Backglass off center in pinuplayer or popper

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  • #205380

      Hi guys, I just installed pinup player and popper after using pinballx for years. Everything seems to be running ok, but i am having some problems with my backglass. If i let pinup player screen config center my backglass, it is off center when running the table in vpx. When i offcenter my backglass in the screen setup it is fine in vpx, but offcenter in pinup popper.

      Any ideas ?



        Screens should be set to 100% in windows But
        I do this so I can Run windows at 125%
        DPI Scaling


          Hi, thanks for your reply. Turned out that the playfield resolution was not exactly 1920×1080 anymore. Apparantly i rezised it somewhere along the line. After selecting the recommended resolutions and 100% dpi, everything seems to be working fine.

          Thx again

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