Can’t configure Pinup Popper on seconday screen using PinUPPopperRegister.bat

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  • #221356


      While using the Pinupppopperregister.bat I’m not able to get my playfield to stick on my 40″ playfield screen. It always gets pushed back to my blackglass monitor (32)”.  I have successfully setup VPX and Pinup Player but can’t get Pinuppopper to put the playfiend (or any of the topper, backglass) on the other screen.

      I’ve tried resizing to partial and full screen on the 40″ playfield, but whether I save or press the refresh video button it always gets moved by the system back to the backglass monitor.

      Any tips or tricks?

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by djstepo.

        I seem to get messages from the system saying ‘Warning: PuPDisplay Playfied if off screen would you like me to correct? (recommend)’ often when putting the video preview box on the 40″ screen (display #1) and when selecting ‘Yes’ it moves it back to display #2.. This even happens when I use the ‘full screen’ or scaled down option to place it on the screen (Display #1). I’m wondering if this is causing pinuppopperregister.bat to continue to move to back to my backglass (Display #2).

        Any thoughts on workaround or ways to resolve?


          can i ask where/how/which instructions you are following with your pinup player install?



            Yes, I’ve been using the instructions at your page: as well the videos linked from there and TerryReid. I also referenced this video as a secondary source for my entire setup when there was confusion:


            The only thing I am aware that I might have screwed up between pinup player and popper setup, was I there were different .bat files (pinupplayerconfigdisplays.bat, pinupplayerregister.bat, and then pinuppopperregister.bat) that I might have initially mistaken for the wrong file. I think I’ve solved that by going back in the videos and setup pinup player again and then popper, but still running into this issue where I can get something to stick on my large display for the playfield.


              can you show a screengrab of how your displays/layout are configured in windows.  make sure dpi scaling is 100% as well for all displays.


                Here is how I have it setup. Screen 1 is a 4k 40″ TV used as playfield. Screen 2 is 30″ monitor for backglass. Also have a physical DMD.

                • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by djstepo.

                  “As long as your playfield is to the left (and set as primary), the windows #’s could be like 3,2,1 or 3,1,2.”

                  set as primary(main display) is a must


                    Thanks! That fixed it.

                    It was there in the instructions I followed, but didn’t put together the fact that the checkmark for main display in windows display settings was what I needed to adjust outside of the positioning. Assigned the playfield as the main display and everything working. Much apprecaited.


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