Coloured rom

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  • #209579

      Im having issues with the coloured roms on ACDC (acd168le)and family guy(fg_1200af) and other ones. I used VPUcolorrom patcher. I followed the instructions and created the .bin file and then zipped it to a zip file with using the same rom name as the table requires. But it doesnt give me a coloured dmd. What am i doing wrong. Im using vpinmame 3.2 and dmdext 1.7.1. Do i need to update those to make it work?

      Thank in advance


        A few of those, I do believe you need the pin2dmd.pal file as well. I know in the beginning, those files didn’t have the expected name. See if you find a file in the archive that is named *.pal or something in that direction. Rename it and put it in the correct rom folder.


          post a video or screen shots  of what you think is required to  get them working.

          a  my system is not working post gives us no idea of what you need to fix to get them working.

          it can be a simple naming error  or you missing multiple  installation files.

          for starters   the standard PINMAME  does not support color rom names   RomnameC  (where the C indicates colored rom)

          do a rom test  if you get a ” Length  mismatch” error   you know that PINMAME is finding your rom and your rom has been patched and named correctly.


          Do a test load and you know that your rom is working as it should.   If its not colored then you know

          you don’t have Freezys installed or set up correctly

          see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it

          see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it

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