Copy of Tron Legacy (Stern 2011)

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      Tron Legacy (Stern 2011)

      Tron Legacy (Stern 2011) 1.0

      Created by ICPjuggla

      This is a MOD of freneticamnesic’s FP—->VP conversion..

      Original Table notes: Scripting done by 85vett, modified to work in VPX by freneticamnesic. FP table done by francisco666, rom, Glxb, with additions by freneticamnesic converted to work in VPX

      This table was a lot of work and done over the past few months.. I added, changed and modified so many things on the table its hard to put them all down because I don’t remember them all and didn’t keep a list.. I spent a lot of time on this I hope you all like it.. enjoy :-)

      Special thanks to
      – freneticamnesic for the original conversion
      – randr for putting up with me when I asked him script questions
      – Groni for the original 3 bank target primitive, script, texture and sound
      – francisco666, rom, Glxb for the FP table
      – Herweh for the original spin disk script and texture I borrowed from Whirlwind..

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