Creature From The Black Lagoon

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  • #207547

      Here’s a quick pup for Creature From the Black Lagoon to kick off our holiday weekend!! Thanks to Andrew Walsh and Jay Harris for the artwork and the idea behind this one! Thanks to Jim Jackson as well! Joey did an awesome job on the overlay as usual!! Huge thanks to supadimi for the pupcaptures! Thanks as always to the “Guru’s” Opeckie, David, Peter and Terry for always lending a hand!

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        It is one of my favorite tables !!!


          I wanted to do a Pup Pack for this table but had no clue so I just had the movie playing on the backglass. Thank you so much :good:


            This is a beauty, thanks very much!


              Thank you for another amazing pup pack.  Nice treat for Halloween.  You must be one of those guys that hands out full size snicker bars.  :)


                I’ll try this out tonight in the VR room… I *think* I made the movie screen the PUP capture texture so it might just work with no mods :)


                  Thank you very much!

                  Just a note: in Option 2 – DMD on BG I had to change line 6 in triggers.pup to:
                  in order to use the correct overlay (it was calling the 3screenoverlay.png

                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                    @Blamer – thanks man. Download has been updated to reflect the miss.


                      Brings back so many memories of watching the movie at midnight on Saturday.

                      Thanks !!!



                        dropped it into my pup videos folder, but it doesn’t work tho I think the audio may be running from it….and when I look in my PUP editor it says there is no PUP pack ……. any ideas as to what might be wrong ? I noticed that the folder has all sorts of editing options which isn’t how most pup packs look


                          dropped it into my pup videos folder, but it doesn’t work tho I think the audio may be running from it….and when I look in my PUP editor it says there is no PUP pack ……. any ideas as to what might be wrong ? I noticed that the folder has all sorts of editing options which isn’t how most pup packs look

                          yrplace18 When unzipped the contents do not unzip into a folder, at least not for me. If this is your issue create a folder in your pup videos folder called cftbl_l4 and unzip the contents into it, then choose the option for your setup.  Very nice pup pack hawkeyez88, thanks for doing and sharing it.


                            This is sweet. Love the original backglass so made an alias table. Now I have the best of both worlds. Thank you.


                              dropped it into my pup videos folder, but it doesn’t work tho I think the audio may be running from it….and when I look in my PUP editor it says there is no PUP pack ……. any ideas as to what might be wrong ? I noticed that the folder has all sorts of editing options which isn’t how most pup packs look

                              yrplace18 When unzipped the contents do not unzip into a folder, at least not for me. If this is your issue create a folder in your pup videos folder called cftbl_l4 and unzip the contents into it, then choose the option for your setup. Very nice pup pack hawkeyez88, thanks for doing and sharing it.

                              I dropped the unzipped folder into my pup videos folder as always. I can see folder cftbl_l4 in the videos folder with all its contents, but the PUP does not load in my pup editor. Its in the list of PUPs , but when I try to load it into the editor I get “no pup found”




                                I dropped the unzipped folder into my pup videos folder as always. I can see folder cftbl_l4 in the videos folder with all its contents, but the PUP does not load in my pup editor. Its in the list of PUPs , but when I try to load it into the editor I get “no pup found”


                                Go to the puppack and run the option that matches your set up


                                  Just getting started and this was an excellent one to make the maiden voyage. THANK YOU!!!

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