Devils Island Pinball + NV Pinball – Suggestion for Recreation in Visual Pinball

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  • #220167

      Ladies and Gentlemen,

      There’s a pinball table called Devil’s Island Pinball. It was released in early 2000 as a commercial table as a PC game. I would be very happy if someone would like to revive this table as a visual pinball table. Even then, this Table impressed me with its very good graphics and great sound (very atmospheric music). Here is a link to the video:
      What would also be worth making a remake of it would be Nvidia Pinball, this table was already way ahead of its time and a milestone, but unfortunately it only ran on certain NVIDIA graphics cards. With a remake, this table could be made available to all other PC users afterwards. And of course those who missed this table completely. The video is available here:

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by User25378.
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by User25378.
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