DMD always open on playfield

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  • #77220
    Rajo Joey

      I have installed the PinUp Player several times. I see Terry’s install videos, but I have one problem.

      The DMD always open on my playfield. I tested this in Tron and Attack from Mars.

      If I start the “PinUpPlayerConfigDisplays.bat” the DMD is correct at the backglass.

      I installed the newest version. I have Freezy’s “DmdDevice.dll” version 1.6.1. I mark “Use external DMD”.

      So I hope, someone can tell me, why the DMD isn’t open at the backglass, if I start the tables from VP.


        I have installed the PinUp Player several times. I see Terry’s install videos, but I have one problem. The DMD always open on my playfield. I tested this in Tron and Attack from Mars. If I start the “PinUpPlayerConfigDisplays.bat” the DMD is correct at the backglass. I installed the newest version. I have Freezy’s “DmdDevice.dll” version 1.6.1. I mark “Use external DMD”. So I hope, someone can tell me, why the DMD isn’t open at the backglass, if I start the tables from VP.

        That is the virtual DMD from dmdext

        You need to configure where you want it to be positioned (or disable it if you use a real dmd)…all which is configured in dmdevoce.ini


          Hi Joey, it is in this part of the dmddevice.ini:


          The values are an example from my setup.

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          Rajo Joey

            Thanks, I read this in Mark’s thread with his problems and tested it also.

            I could write, what I want. If I open the table it is always the same.

            Changes are written, but ignored.

            My ini-File:

            ; how to downscale SEGA 192×64 pixel games to smaller displays: fit, fill or stretch
            resize = fit
            ; flips the image horizontally
            fliphorizontally = false
            ; flips the image vertically
            flipvertically = false
            ; enable or disable frame-by-frame colorization (inactive in VPX bundle)
            colorize = true

            ; a DMD that renders with nice dots on a computer monitor
            enabled = true
            ; virtual dmd stays on top of all other windows
            stayontop = false
            ; hide the resize grip
            hidegrip = false
            ; ignore the aspect ratio of the rendered dots when resizing
            ignorear = false
            ; use VPM’s registry values when positioning the virtual dmd
            useregistry = false
            ; x-axis of the window position
            left = 2432
            ; y-axis of the window position
            top = 944
            ; width of the dmd in monitor pixels
            width = 1024
            ; height of the dmd in monitor pixels
            height = 256
            ; scale the dot size (set to 0.8 for same size as pre-1.6.0)
            dotsize = 0.8

            ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD1
            enabled = false

            ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD2
            enabled = false

            ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD3
            enabled = false
            ; COM port, e.g. COM3
            port =

            ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a PIN2DMD
            enabled = false

            ; if enabled, stream to your browser in your LAN
            enabled = false
            port = 9090

            ; if enabled, stream DMD to
            enabled = false
            endpoint =

            ; if enabled, writes frames to an .avi file
            enabled =true
            ; path to folder or .avi file. if folder, gamename.avi is used.
            path =PinUP



              You could try to set:
              “use VPM’s registry values when positioning the virtual dmd useregistry = false” to “true” and see if that moves your dmd

              Rajo Joey

                You could try to set: “use VPM’s registry values when positioning the virtual dmd useregistry = false” to “true” and see if that moves your dmd

                Thanks, but I try that also. No change. The DMD is always opened on the playfield at position 0,0. I give up, because I don’t know, what else I can try. :wacko:


                  Didn’t you a one time install dmdext to system folders ? You are sure that the old stuff is cleaned out properly ?

                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                    I am sure you already cheked that, but could there still be a another dmddevice.ini somewhere on your system?
                    I mean in addition to the one that has to be in vpinmame folder.
                    Don’t give up, you will get it running

                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                    Rajo Joey

                      Didn’t you a one time install dmdext to system folders ? You are sure that the old stuff is cleaned out properly ?

                      I Think so. :scratch:

                      Rajo Joey

                        I am sure you already cheked that, but could there still be a another dmddevice.ini somewhere on your system? I mean in addition to the one that has to be in vpinmame folder. Don’t give up, you will get it running

                        I will search tomorrow, if there is another one. :yes:

                        Rajo Joey

                          OK, guys, i’ve got it. It was really, that I have more .ini.

                          I have it in the UltraDMD- and the Unit3D-Install-Folder.

                          I delete it there and now the DMD is where it has to be. :yahoo:

                          Thanks for your help.


                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                            Glad you got it working.

                            When I say in my setup videos, that you need to make sure you don’t have any dmdext files anywhere else except for vpinmame…. this is the reason why.

                            This is from bad habits that fixed other problems last year easily but cause issues with other programs. Not a problem if you know what you are doing, and you can keep track of it all.

                            1 user thanked author for this post.

                              Well. Guys that follows Bambi’s FAQ surely will have :wacko:

                              Fortunately, it is living document. But, I was amazed when I saw the recommendation to how to install eg. dmdext.

                              1 user thanked author for this post.
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