Early inspiration…1934 Lindstrom Gold Star table top game

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        Anyone seen one of these?  I grew up with one and was fascinated by it.  It is for sure a big reason why I became fascinated with pinball. When I saw randr’s Worlds Fair it reminded me of this inspiration!  ..so I tracked one down and just unpacked it.  While only a marble game, the launch is rather interesting.  Up and around and then into a figure eight.  Herweh’s Hurricane mimics this as well.  Going to put some Novus on this and hang it up somewhere.


          I’ve seen a few sure. Heck I even liked the party favor ones you would get at parties in a grab bag! Little small toy ones.

          That is a neat piece you got and will make Great Wall art.

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          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
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            It kind of reminds me of what an old Pachinko machine might look like.

            I am surprised these types of tables haven’t been worked on more, as they all have pinball roots.

            Thanks for sharing.

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