Embryon(Bally 1980)BETA

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  • #24386

      @arngrim I enabled .txt file for attachment. also list of what you can attach is listed :)

      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
      for IOS and Android



      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
      for IOS and Android



        This table is insane… I love it.  Super smooth… no stutter at all.  It’s got a great layout and the great, weird-and-disturbing fantasy art from the 80’s tables (how bout those sexy embryo chicks?  lol).  I can see myself playing this a lot.

        I can see the issue you mentioned on another forum about the intensity of the reflection on the ball… it looks like they just added a setting for that in the new beta though?

        Thanks for the table.


          This table is insane… I love it. Super smooth… no stutter at all. It’s got a great layout and the great, weird-and-disturbing fantasy art from the 80’s tables (how bout those sexy embryo chicks? lol). I can see myself playing this a lot.

          I can see the issue you mentioned on another forum about the intensity of the reflection on the ball… it looks like they just added a setting for that in the new beta though?

          Thanks for the table.

          I’ve got an update coming stay tuned.. :-)

          My balls no longer bloom blue! lol it literally took me 5 days to get all the settings figured out and the way I want them.. FYI you won’t need the new beta I’ve figured it out without the new settings.. :-)

          1 user thanked author for this post.

            Lol I could have told you a quick solution for blue balls.

            Punch it!

            Punch it!

            1 user thanked author for this post.

              Lol I could have told you a quick solution for blue balls.

              GROSS! LOL

              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
              for IOS and Android


              Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
              So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
              for IOS and Android


              1 user thanked author for this post.

                Lol I could have told you a quick solution for blue balls.


                lol I already bug you enough, didn’t want to bother you with my blue ball issue.. ha ha ha I figured I could handle it my self and I learned something.. :-)




                  thanks chief, i’ll try to attach next time ;)


                    …how bout those sexy embryo chicks? lol). I can see myself playing this a lot.

                    Likely the first time in history this phrase has been spoken. LOL


                    My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                    40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support

                    My VP Pincab /MAME Arcade Specs: MSI Micro-ATX Z390m MOBO, Core I5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16GB NVRAM, Nvidia 1660 Super,

                    40" PF Sony gaming LED TV, Dual 23" monitors in the backbox , Pinscape w. expansion board, Full DOF - Full MAME arcade support

                    1 user thanked author for this post.

                      The table has been updated to 1.4 enjoy everyone B-)

                      Update: 1.4
                      – fixed the bloom on the ball (no more shinny blue balls) lol
                      – added and adjusted all the lights on the table
                      – added F6 menu as requested by hocuslocus
                      – added the new controller.txt DOF config to the script thank you Arngrim

                      2 users thanked author for this post.

                        Looks great… time spent figuring out the bloom issue paid off… you handled those blue balls.  Looks like you turned down the lighting intensity?  I think it looks better… more natural.


                          Thanks for the update!


                            Thank you for the update. Wonderful table.


                              Love this table, thank for the update.


                                Hey ICP… is the fix for the high bloom on the ball issue something a noob end user, like me, could add?  I have noticed a few other tables that have that problem and I wanted to fix it if I could.  Thanks!


                                  In the 10.1 vp version there is a setting called Default Bulb Intensity Scale that can set that directly.  Under the Table\Ball options.


                                    Thanks BorgDog… I’m working on the Demolition Man table right now.  It has a good bit of ball stutter on my machine, and I thought I would start by getting rid of the ball lighting.  I’ve set that bulb intensity down to zero and it still has a bit of a halo on the ball.  Could there be something additional in the script I might have to get rid of?

                                    *edit*  Actually, I messed around with the lighting options a bit and I think I took care of it.  The bloom option did fix it for the most part.  Still has a really bad, slo-mo jitter to the ball.  Toxie mentioned some lamp settings being too low in a table could cause problems so I’m going to poke around in there a bit.


                                      Some tables have very very low timer intervals set. So i would recommend that you go over all timers on the table and set their interval to 10 (or above) and see if that cures the stutter.


                                        Some tables have very very low timer intervals set. So i would recommend that you go over all timers on the table and set their interval to 10 (or above) and see if that cures the stutter.

                                        Wow… perfect timing… I just remembered you mentioning that in another thread.

                                        Am I basically looking for anything that has an “interval” setting?


                                          Hey ICP… is the fix for the high bloom on the ball issue something a noob end user, like me, could add? I have noticed a few other tables that have that problem and I wanted to fix it if I could. Thanks!

                                          Depending on the table you have to play with the falloff power and intensity of the light.. But once you play with that and get it so your balls don’t glow you have to play with Modulate and Transmit.. to be honest it really depends on the table.. Just play with the levels :-)


                                            I was playing this table a bunch last night.  It’s a great recreation and a really fun table.  The outlanes are very good practice for nudging because of the odd layout and because you can hop back and forth over those gaps.  ICP, I’m downloading your Hurricane VP9 now… can’t wait to try that one out too.

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