Enable Plugins – What the?

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  • #195975

      Ok. So 5 years ago I built my first cab after playing desktop versions of FP an VPX for while. My cab has three screens, SSF and no DOF. I am a dinosaur who still uses Pinball X, blame that on a bad back and poor time management. I have PinUp Player 1.4.5.

      Today I have my first ever issue with a backglass because it was sent out with “enable plugins” checked. Spent hours with crashes until I noticed this little checked box, unchecked it, all sweet. No problem on my end, just never seen that before.

      I have 215 games working perfectly on my cab, some use pup packs, those that do dont have backglasses, Guardians, Woz, ST, HP for example.

      None of my tables have backglasses that enable plugins. So after being told by the author, thats how it should be and not wanting to have this discussion on a non-pinball related site, could someone tell me what am I missing since all my tables work fine without it and don’t with it.

      Appreciate any advice.


        you can leave it unchecked if you want.

        but you are just using 1/2 of pinup and DOF of course won’t work because that’s a b2s plugin as well.

        you will not be able to use any puppacks except tables that mention (no vpinmame packs for example), and even then you may be missing some things from tables that expect the plugin there.

        you should not have any crashes with that plugin enabled….everyone has it enabled that uses pup player.


          Thanks Nailbuster, so I’ve never enabled it. I had 1.4.4 yesterday and upgraded (using your excellent video, thank you) and when I used the NBA Stern backglass which it was included with. The minute I used it, the game would load, the backglass would load and immediately crash, no error prompt, just a crash back to editor. Strange.

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