Evil Dead Backglass [P-ROC ]

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  • #168159


      An animated backglass for P-ROC Evil Dead

      Rated R: Violence and Horror themes

      Video preview here

      This was created for Horsepin’s infamous P-ROC table.

      Other tables & frontend systems*

      All of my P-ROC backglasses will work with any table and front end.

      Simply pull the video from the PUP folder and loop it. Either forget the audio or set it to play once.

      Or just add the PUP folder within Pinup system and it works as intended.

      *This was designed for P-ROC with a backglass DMD.

      If you are using other tables you’ll have to work out what to do with the DMD frame space.

      Here’s the P-ROC config.yaml DMD game setup for a 4K playfield with a 1080p backglass:

      dmd_dots_w: 550

      dmd_dots_h: 300

      dmd_dot_filter: true

      dmd_window_border: False

      dmd_always_on_top: true

      desktop_dmd_scale: 2

      dmd_framerate: 23.98

      dmd_flip: 0

      screen_position_x: 4250

      screen_position_y: 478

      Never take advice from me,
      you'll end up drunk.

      Never take advice from me,
      you'll end up drunk.

      4 users thanked author for this post.

        Thanks! Another one of my own homebrew static b2s bites the dust..


          Thanks! Another one of my own homebrew static b2s bites the dust..

          Bugger. Sorry marie, I actually still quite like the original b2s.

          For some strange reason I’m temporarily obsessed with P-ROC tables.

          BTW, your B2s is more authentic, so still has a place IMHO.

          Never take advice from me,
          you'll end up drunk.

          Never take advice from me,
          you'll end up drunk.


            Wow that looks really cool. I have resisted the PUP until now! Too many cool PUP backglasses to resist! Well done!


              This is awesome. Thanks for putting this together. I think because I have a 720p TV for my backglass, your position and scaling setting recommendations aren’t working for me. I’ll play around with it but if anyone else using a 720p backglass TV has it working correctly, please share. These are my current settings.

              score_display: HD
              bonus_tally: true
              attract: true
              osc_input: false
              service_mode: true
              ball_search: true
              ball_search_delay: 30
              tilt_mode: true
              multiline_highscore_entry: false
              player_profiles: True
              player_trophys: True
              dmd_dots_w: 549
              dmd_dots_h: 298
              dmd_dot_filter: true
              dmd_window_border: False
              dmd_always_on_top: true
              desktop_dmd_scale: 1
              dmd_framerate: 23.98
              dmd_flip: 0
              screen_position_x: 2326
              screen_position_y: 431
              audio_buffer_size: 824
              audio_freq_rate: 44100


                Thank you Brother.  Look awesome!!!  Total Sickness???  :}




                  may be one for jaws proc??…



                    may be one for jaws proc??…

                    For Jaws, someone created a PUP for another table. I use that PUP as a backglass only and reposition the DMD to fit. Looks pretty good.

                    Never take advice from me,
                    you'll end up drunk.

                    Never take advice from me,
                    you'll end up drunk.

                    1 user thanked author for this post.
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