F1 isn’t working in-game

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  • #165308

      The subject line says it all. F1 doesn’t open up the dialogue box where I can check ‘external DMD’. I am not sure this matters a great deal to be honest because the tables load perfectly fine and play great but I am trying to make sure things work as they are intended to.

      Also, and not sure if it’s related or not, no matter which table I load (Harry Potter, Stranger Tings, Master of the Universe), I get no puplog.txt in my vpinmame folder. I thought that was always created if a table uses pup packs.

      Thanks all.


        Are you running in exclusive Fullscreen mode (VPX video options)? F1 works only in non exclusive Fullscreen mode.
        You can create a second VPX shortcut on your desktop with the parameter “-DisableTrueFullscreen” and use it when you want to make changes for F1 or F6 for example.


          Not all puppack games create a log
          F1 is only for games that have roms and Like Mark70 said it can be a problem with exclusive Fullscreen mode

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