Flying Turns – Midway 1964 – VPX – vpPlus

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  • #152934

      This is a VPX recreation of a 1964 Midway Flying Turns pinball machine.
      Several options you can turn on in the script.
      Line 8 – netplayenabled = true. This enables peer to peer network play via vpPlus (explained later in this discrption).False = off
      Line 14 – handsenabled = true. This enables virtual hands to use the controls. False = off
      Line 20 – musictalkenabled = true. This enables my choice of music from the 1964 era to be played. In game you can turn on/off with the “f” key. Also enables me getting angry when the ball play is short. False = off always.
      There is a B2S backglass included and a wheel art logo in the table zip file. Cab people, you know what to do with B2S and Wheel art.
      Peer to peer 2 player games over the internet!!!
      If you want to give this a try, get the vpPlus plugin installer here.
      Let me just say this, vpPlus can be pretty touchy to install and use and what I type in this discription is all the support you will get from me. This is not to say that it is not awesome or the most fun way to play this table, because its a freaking blast when you get it working. So lets start with the installing.
      INSTALLING VPPLUS: To install, extract the vpPlus zip file some where. Now RIGHT CLICK Setup.exe and run as ADMINISTRATOR. After that just follow the install. Its important that the program gets installed as ADMINISTRATOR to register the com object with Windows. The other thing that is very important is that VPX is also run as ADMINISTRATOR.
      The ideal way to play this vpPlus table is to establish a voice over ip chat through like Discord or TeamSpeak or someother voice activated voice chat. So you can talk to the person you are playing against. I use Discord. Make this audio connection first before running the table. If you are hosting the table, share with the other person your IP address to connect to (your external IP address. If you don’t know what it is you can get it by going to this site.
      VERY IMPORTANT!!! THE ONLY WAY TO LAUNCH THE TABLE IS TO DOUBLE CLICK THE .VPX TABLE FILE. YOU CAN NOT OPEN VPX EDITOR FIRST OR LAUNCH THE TABLE THROUGH PINBALLX. I’m not sure why, but if you load the table any other way you will get Socket# 0 errors and the table won’t launch. Once the table is launched by double clicking the table file it will open and run the table. Two coins will be automatically dropped and two start buttons will automatically be pressed too. Also after you play a full game, and both of you decide to play another game, the 5 key will drop two coins and press the start button twice automatically to start the next match.  Anyway, once you start the table successfully the connection dialog box will appear shortly after the coins and the start buttons are pressed.
      THE HOST: This is the person that is willing to share his IP address and open two ports through his firewall and/or router. By default vpPlus uses ports 12345 and 12346 for its communication. You can set different ports if you choose on the dialog box when you host, but they need to be open through your firewall and/or router.
      THE CONNECTING MACHINE: When the hosting person says he is hosting, then the joining person picks the option to join and types the hosting persons IP address and click OK.
      Leave the Disable UPnP checkbox checked.
      Now if you did everything right and don’t get a Socket# 0 error, then you will get a dialog box to enter your name. After both of you have entered your names and click OK, the game will start. The hosting person is player 1 and starts the game. After his ball drains, the visiting player gets control and can play their ball.
      ONE OTHER IMPORTANT THING!!! ONCE YOU GET CONNECTED AND ARE PLAYING, DON’T PAUSE THE GAME OR CLICK ON ANOTHER WINDOW. In other words don’t lose focus on VPX or the connection will crash. You probably will have a crash when one of you decide to leave.
      Again I need to stress that vpPlus is AS IS and I will not support it, so don’t PM me. If you can’t figure it out from this point then just disable it at line 8 in the script and play flying turns like any other table. You can even launch it with pinballx if you don’t use vpPlus. But if you can get a good stable connection with someone and you can talk to them via Discord, its a real blast.
      These directions will be included in the zip file too.
      I hope some of you try out the P2P netplay, its a lot of fun.

      10 users thanked author for this post.

        Great to see a table with vpplus!!

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          Great to see a table with vpplus!!

          , thanks, I’m hoping to do more. It can be fitted to just about any EM and/or Original. It might even work with some early SS tables.


            Interesting with this VPPlus … but also the Table, thanks rascal :good:


              If anyone has installed the vpPlus plugin and would like to get together with other people who want to play, I created a Discord voice chat called Flying Turns vpPlus here.

              Right now its just me and a English speaking channel, but I can add more channels to it if someone want another channel for a different language. If I am there, I am setup to host and I can share my ip address with someone.


                We’ve had a few chats in the past and you mentioned vpPlus. I think the idea is great, but, I must admit. I’m reluctant to install it on my cab as I feel it is too experimental. I could install it on my desktop machine though. But, then again, you are on a different time-zone than me and there is a high chance that I’ll be playing drunk vs a sober person ;)

                – as you understand, I’ve had a few already ;)


                  We’ve had a few chats in the past and you mentioned vpPlus. I think the idea is great, but, I must admit. I’m reluctant to install it on my cab as I feel it is too experimental. I could install it on my desktop machine though. But, then again, you are on a different time-zone than me and there is a high chance that I’ll be playing drunk vs a sober person ;)

                  – as you understand, I’ve had a few already ;)

                  You can always come in the chat and connect with someone else on your time zone. Just saying, the chat will be open to all and if you want a voice channel created for a different language just let me know.


                    Oh. I would have no problem talking to anyone in English. Don’t expect to find many *.no guys that is as VP crazy as me ;)

                    Not going to happen tonight – that I know already.


                      Is someone planning a complete backglass for the cab users?


                        The discord invite that I posted expire, here is another invite that supposedly should never expire.


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