FSS MOD Al’s Garage Band Goes On A World Tour (Alvin G 1992)

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  • #205118


      This is a conversion to FSS format made by me. The original table is from Goldchicco & 32assassin, thank you very much for this title made by you.

      The author of the table in the VP9 version was: oooPLAYER1ooo, surely without you this table would never have arrived where it arrived (Thanks man).

      Other authors involved in the preparation of the VPX table were:

      @Arrestis for the Apron

      @Sneakily1 for working on the physic

      Well, as usual, all the work was done through the tutorial videos of Nick Christopher (Arconovum), and everyone already knows how much I appreciate the support he has been giving me all this time (Thank so much Nick).

      The general lighting of the BG was based on the B2S by 32assassin (thanks, fanstastic job).

      What’s new in the FSS version? … Well, here we go:

      • Insertion of BB and BG, with lighting based on the original machine (thanks to the fantastic work of 32assassin on B2S, thank you);
      • playfield flashers redone according to the color and intensity of the original machine (based on the TNT Amusements video);
      • insertion of the Day & Night code and other table lighting effects, giving a better visual effect and realism;
      • and I think that’s it.

      And thank you very much to all the VPX and table developers, without you the fun wouldn’t be possible.

      Well, this is a great new title that could not be missing in the FSS format.

      Bueno, me gusta mucho esta mesa, entonces una vez más,  muchas grácias Alberto (Goldchicco) por tu óptimo trabajo en esta y en todas las demás mesas ya hechas.

      Enjoy it.

      5 users thanked author for this post.

        Excellent work Sergio !!!!! Not only do you convert them to FSS, but you also make them better !!! AMAZING MAN !!!

        Ben Logan2



            Thanks great work! Ive always really liked this table!

            Health is Wealth:Knowledge is Power

            Health is Wealth:Knowledge is Power

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