FSS MOD Big House (Gottlieb 1989)

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  • #217285


      ***rev.1.1 – minor correction in the script due to a collision sound effect error during multiball. (Thanks BenLogan for reporting).

      This is a conversion to FSS format made by me (Morttis). The original table is from Rascal, thank you very much for this title made by you.

      Also thanks to other authors from parts of the original project, all of which are mentioned in the Script (thanks preserved from the original version).

      Well, as usual, all the work was done through the tutorial videos of Nick Christopher (Arconovum), and everyone already knows how much I appreciate the support he has been giving me all this time (Thank so much Nick).

      The Art and lighting of the BG based on the B2S by mfuegemann (Thanks man).

      What’s new in the FSS version? … Well, here we go:

      – Insertion of BB and BG, with lighting based on the B2S by mfuegemann (thanks);

      – playfield flasher lighting redone according to the color and intensity of the original machine (based on youtube videos);

      – insertion of the Day & Night code and other table lighting effects, giving a better visual effect and realism;

      – update physics table based on the Arcade Physics 3.0 by JPSalas (Thanks for this kit). I tried to make it as good as possible, but I think it could get better.

      – and I think that’s it.

      And thank you very much to all the VPX and table developers, without you the fun wouldn’t be possible.

      Anyway, here’s another Gottlieb title for the FSS Collection.

      Enjoy it.

      8 users thanked author for this post.
      Ben Logan2

        Thanks for all the great FSS converstions, Morttis. Go an error when balls collided during multiball. These lines were highlighted in editor:

        Function Pitch(ball) ‘ Calculates the pitch of the sound based on the ball speed
        Pitch = BallVel(ball) * 20
        End Function

        Any ideas?


          Thanks for all the great FSS converstions, Morttis. Go an error when balls collided during multiball. These lines were highlighted in editor:

          Function Pitch(ball) ‘ Calculates the pitch of the sound based on the ball speed

          Pitch = BallVel(ball) * 20

          End Function

          Any ideas?

          hi Ben, I did a review, I ended up duplicating a function now, I found it faster than redoing the entire sound script to solve just this bug. I believe it solved the problem, please test the table and let me know if it has been solved.

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