FSS MOD Fire Action (Taito do Brasil 1980)

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  • #213539


      This is a conversion to FSS format made by me (Morttis). The original table is from JPSalas, thank you very much for this title made by you.

      Well, as usual, all the work was done through the tutorial videos of Nick Christopher (Arconovum), and everyone already knows how much I appreciate the support he has been giving me all this time (Thank so much Nick).

      The Art and general lighting of the BG was based on the B2S by Wildman and Akiles Hi Rez (Thanks for this job).

      What’s new in the FSS version? … Well, here we go:

      – Insertion of BB and BG, with lighting based on B2S by Wildman and Akiles Hi Rez (thanks));

      – insertion of the Day & Night code and other table lighting effects, giving a better visual effect and realism;

      – this FSS MOD was based on 3.0 version table by JPSalas, that is, he already has the new physics developed by him;

      – and I think that’s it.

      And thank you very much to all the VPX and table developers, without you the fun wouldn’t be possible.

      Well, this is a great new title that could not be missing in the FSS format.

      Enjoy it.

      2 users thanked author for this post.

        I play this game every day after school, thanks



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