FSS MOD Polar Explorer (Taito 1983)

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  • #200096


      ***Rev.2.0 – Update based on version 3.0 table by JPSalas (Thanks). Insertion of background lighting to improve the depth of the scenery. 

      This is a modification of the JPSalas table, conversion to the FSS (Full Single Screen) format by me (Morttis).

      All the modification was done through Nick’s guidelines (Arconovum). Thank you very much for the guide videos.

      Well, I hope you like it, you can improve it, but it’s a great start to have fun in this table format.

      As a good Brazilian, I will pay tribute to the Brazilian tables. this is the first one. I believe that the FSS modification of the great JPSalas table it was great too.

      Obs: The lighting of BG I believe is very close to the original. It was based on the B2S lighting done by STAT and Carlos Guizzo (Thanks).

      And thank you very much to all the VPX and table developers, without you the fun wouldn’t be possible.

      Well, this is a great new title that could not be missing in the FSS format.

      Enjoy it.




      4 users thanked author for this post.

        JPSalas creates awesome work and so do you thanks :good:

        Health is Wealth:Knowledge is Power

        Health is Wealth:Knowledge is Power

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