FSS MOD Star Trek 25th Anniversary (Data East 1991)

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  • #200729


      ***rev 1.1 – review of the crystal display lights (thanks Schreibi34) and intensity review of some bg lamps.

      This is a conversion to FSS format made by me. The original table is from 32assassin, thank you very much for the excellent work done.

      Well, as usual, all the work was done through the tutorial videos of Nick Christopher (Arconovum), thank you very much for all the videos and help you have been giving me since I started converting tables in the FSS format.

      In this specific job, Nick gave me a great help in the teleportation effect of the crew at BG, thanks again.

      The general lighting of the BG was based on the B2S by Piggei (thanks).

      Anyway, here’s another great title for those who like the Star Trek series.

      And thank you very much to all the VPX and table developers, without you the fun wouldn’t be possible.

      Enjoy it.

      8 users thanked author for this post.

        Thanks a bunch Morttis. Looks great.


          Great job Morttis! Many thanks for all the FSS tables! :good: Waiting for Terminator 3… B-)


            Looks great!

            You guys should move the flashers from the crystal display a bit in the Y+ direction. They are cutting the crystals in half right now! This problem existed in 32a’s original version and was never corrected.


              Looks great!

              You guys should move the flashers from the crystal display a bit in the Y+ direction. They are cutting the crystals in half right now! This problem existed in 32a’s original version and was never corrected.

              Actually they probably should be tilted instead, if they are flashers, if they are not they should be replaced with flashers.. hint.. hint… @Morttis


                Looks great!

                You guys should move the flashers from the crystal display a bit in the Y+ direction. They are cutting the crystals in half right now! This problem existed in 32a’s original version and was never corrected.

                reviewed it, I’ll post the update … thanks man


                  Looks great!

                  You guys should move the flashers from the crystal display a bit in the Y+ direction. They are cutting the crystals in half right now! This problem existed in 32a’s original version and was never corrected.

                  Actually they probably should be tilted instead, if they are flashers, if they are not they should be replaced with flashers.. hint.. hint… @Morttis

                  it was better to put the same nick lower (Y +), I already did the update, and improved the lighting of the BG (I removed some lamps from the D&N effect that left the lamps very unlit), now it was better, and I reviewed the intensity of some separately.


                    Looks great!

                    You guys should move the flashers from the crystal display a bit in the Y+ direction. They are cutting the crystals in half right now! This problem existed in 32a’s original version and was never corrected.

                    Actually they probably should be tilted instead, if they are flashers, if they are not they should be replaced with flashers.. hint.. hint… @Morttis

                    it was better to put the same nick lower (Y +), I already did the update, and improved the lighting of the BG (I removed some lamps from the D&N effect that left the lamps very unlit), now it was better, and I reviewed the intensity of some separately.


                    Nick, actually I shifted further down and also tilted … hehehe now I believe it is perfect


                      Table looks great thanks for all your hard work in the VP Community. I was blessed to be able to goto a pinball museum with 300+ tables this weekend and I got the chance to play this table in person.

                      Health is Wealth:Knowledge is Power

                      Health is Wealth:Knowledge is Power

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