FullDMD Video Pauses When VPX Table Is Active Window **SOLVED**

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  • #213568

      System config: AMD 5600x, Nvidia 3070, 3 Screens (4K Playfield, 1440p Back glass, 1080p Full DMD)

      I got Pup packs working for several tables (Harry Potter and Family Guy) with good performance and video playback.

      Next, I’m working on configuring PinUpPlayer. Specifically, looking to get FullDMD working for non-pup pack VPX tables.

      I’m using the approach described here: https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=full_dmd and things are working as expected, until the actual table is shown.  At that point, the FullDMD background video pauses.  (The DMD itself updates fine.)  I’ve tried both exclusive and windowed mode in VP both “Active and Update” and “Active if media found” in PinUp GlobalSettings.  All behave the same way.  If I task switch while the table is running the background video will resume, but as soon as the table becomes the active window, the FullDMD video pauses.

      Any tips I can try?



      Just in case anyone else encounters this issue…  I happened to see a comment on a PUP pack regarding the “FPS Limiter/Vsync” and “Maximum pre-rendered Frames” settings in video settings of VPX about choppy video.  Setting both of these to 1 resolved this issue and things are working great!

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