Future DMD Error Messages in Pinup Popper

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  • #208557

      Ok, so I’m trying to get Terry Reid’s Halloween table working, as its so awesome. I am also trying to get my Pin2DMD working in FP as well. Because I’m using Pinup Popper, I followed this thread:


      So I have Future DMD installed. I went into Pinup Popper > Popper Setup > Emulators and copied the Emulator setup script as noted in the above link for the Launch and Exit Scripts. I then cut and pasted the additional 3 lines of script at the bottom of that link to put into the Exit Scripts for my real dmd.

      I launch everything and get two error messages:

      1. Windows cannot find “[DIREMU]\FPLoader.exe”. Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again.
      2. Windows cannot find “[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe”. Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again.

      So, I went back to the script and added the correct pathway for FPLoader.exe, as well as to VPXSTARTER.exe., and it doesn’t change anything and keeps sending the exact same messages.

      Can anyone let me know what I’m doing incorrectly?




        Where does it say to put 3 additional lines in the Exit script


          At the bottom of the linked Nailbuster page it says if you have a real dmd and using Popper, to insert those three lines into the exit script.


            At the bottom of the linked Nailbuster page it says if you have a real dmd and using Popper, to insert those three lines into the exit script.

            These 3 lines go at the bottom of the Launch script
            timeout /t 20
            cd "C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME"
            start /min "" "PUPDMDControl.exe" FP


              Oops. I must have read that wrong. Thanks for the pointing that out. Would that error cause the error messages I’m getting?


                Oops. I must have read that wrong. Thanks for the pointing that out. Would that error cause the error messages I’m getting?

                I doubt it
                Recheck Nailbuster page


                  You “don’t” want FutureDMD and pupdmdcontrol.exe to be ran for PinEvent tables (that will cause problems) if you are using the real DMD option!

                  PinEvent (when set to use real DMD) will use the pup DMD display to display the text (normally hidden behind the BG)… and pupdmdcontrol will automatically kick in and mirror the pup DMD display to dmddevice.dll / ini which will output it to your Pin2DMD.

                  That said… you can always use the FullDMD on Backglass pup-pack options… and still mirror the FP DMD to your real DMD at the same time. (you just can’t have both pupdmd and the FP DMD being mirrored at the same time)



                  For “normal” Future Pinball tables…. you have two choices for real DMD. You can either use FPIntercept (to directly mirror the FP DMD to your real DMD)…

                  … or you can use FutureDMD and have pupdmdcontrol.exe mirror the FutureDMD window to your real DMD using dmddevice.dll / ini.

                  (keep in mind that only FP “DMDs” can be mirrored…. not em reels or alpha numeric displays)

                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                    Thanks Terry. So if I understand this right, since I’m playing both ‘normal’ and Pinevent FP tables, I should use Future DMD and have pupdmdcontrol.exe to mirror the Future DMD to my Pin2DMD using dmddevice.dll/ini? That will cover both types of tables.

                    If that’s correct, can you point me in the right direction to do that?

                    Also, no matter what I change, the error messages above are still appearing. I thought they were a result of the FP startup and exit scripts, but they are coming from somewhere else as they keep appearing even when I erase the scripts.



                      Ok, so got this working and it’s completely awesome. I went back into the Pinevent vb script and saw that I didn’t have #1 selected for Real DMD. Not sure how I missed that or maybe it didn’t save. But either way, my real DMD was working. The only issue then was that my Backglass was doing funky stuff where it had multiple copies of the same picture layered over each other on the backglass. I read in Terry’s writeup that Backglass and Arcade modes had to be shut off for Pinevent tables only, and he provided a Popper script for FP launch and exit to turn them on then off upon exit. Put that in and BAM, it all works great.

                      I think everything would of course be more crispy and detailed with an LCD serving as a DMD, but there is just something about the 128×32 pixels that look cool. The Pumpkin getting larger in attract mode for the Halloween table looked really ominous in pixelation.

                      STILL can’t get my DMD do work with other FP or FX3 tables. And man I’ve tried everything!  Guess I’ll keep working at it.

                      Anyway, on to install Pinevent Jaws. Thanks again for a great table Terry!

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