Future pinball newbie troubles

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  • #208662

      Hi guys, i primary use vpx, but i was triggered to give future pinball a go by terry red’s star wars table. I followed Terry’s guide and got everything running. But have one issue, and one newbie question

      As far as i understand running a future pinball table should create a cfg file. But there are no cfg files created. Newbie question, how can i set a table to free play so that i do not have to put in coins?

      Thx again for all the amazing tables on this site!



        First….. BAM creates cfg files for BAM settings in the BAM\CFG folder.

        FP creates an fpRAM file for each table that stores certain settings and things like high scores,etc… similar to an nvram on VP.


        However… you need to understand the main difference between FP tables, and VP tables.

        VP uses rom for most of its tables. That rom contains all the code for the game, and it doesn’t require anything from the table author to add functions like multi-player or free play.

        FP tables (and original tables on VP) don’t use roms, so all features need to be coded and added into the table by the table author.

        So its down to how the table author created the table if Free Play is an option or not.


          well, this could be coded, at least I think, at the opening of the table that is in “FuturePinball_BeginPlay ()” you could put infinite credits or something like 999, ok this procedure is something unusual, but if you like it like this, try this way…add the red line in,Sub FuturePinball_BeginPlay()  but you always have to press the start button to play

          Sub FuturePinball_BeginPlay()
          ‘ seed the randomiser (rnd(1) function)
          nvCredits = nvCredits + 999


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