FX3 Popscreen7 Issue

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  • #181662

      I’m having an issue with FX3 tables. When I launch them, they load just fine, but a “Popscreen7” windows always appears over them.


      I’m running FX3 in cabinet mode, borderless window display setting from within FX3.


      I followed the advice from an earlier post, regarding the Global Settings (set Loading to Forcepop) and adjusted my Global Settings/Displays settings as suggested, but still, every table I open in FX3, the Popscreen7 appears on top of it.

      Here is my FX3 Launch Setup:

      @echo off
      rem remove rem to setup your DMDEXT press “open examples for more info”
      rem cd “E:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME”
      rem start /min “” “dmdext.exe” mirror –source=pinballfx3 -q -d auto –virtual-hide-grip –virtual-position=x y w -o PinUP\[GAMENAME]
      START “” “[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 5 5 60 “Pinball FX3″”
      START “” “[DIREMU]\steam.exe” -applaunch 442120 -table_[GAMENAME]


      VPX and Mame are both working fine, so I’m not sure what else I can try…any suggestions?




        Are you using a real DMD? I’ve been trying to get mine to work with FX3. I’ma try your launch script and see if that will work for me.


          I recently added a pixelcade as a dmd, so my startup script has changed. Regardless, I never did solve the issue. I just turned off the loading screen for now, so that sort of fixed it (by not showing a loading screen at all). I’d rather have the option to turn on the loading screen but never got it working correctly.

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