FX3 Practice Mode

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  • #203833
    Parker Bleu

      I was wondering if they is a way to add practice mode to the FX3 Alt Modes?
      I was able to get the classic mode and hotseats to work. But there are times when I want to get to know a table I like to use practice mode.

      I tired

      @echo off

      rem remove rem to setup your DMDEXT press "open examples for more info"
      rem cd "C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME"

      rem start /min "" "dmdext.exe" mirror --source=pinballfx3 -q -d auto --virtual-hide-grip --virtual-position=x y w -o PinUP\[GAMENAME]

      START "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe" 5 5 60 "Pinball FX3"

      if "[ALTMODE]"=="classic" (SET ALTPARAM=-class )
      if "[ALTMODE]"=="hotseat2" (SET ALTPARAM=-hotseat_2 )
      if "[ALTMODE]"=="hotseat3" (SET ALTPARAM=-hotseat_3 )
      if "[ALTMODE]"=="hotseat4" (SET ALTPARAM=-hotseat_4 )
      if "[ALTMODE]"=="practice" (SET ALTPARAM=-practice)

      cd /d "[DIREMU]"
      START "" "Pinball FX3.exe" %ALTPARAM% -table_[GAMENAME]

      It did not work though. It just played as normal.

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