get this with just about every table now

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  • #146942

      I download a table and it just has the table vpx file in the zip. I used to just place the vpx table file in the visual pinball tables folder, and the zip file in the visual pinball vpxMame rom folder and they would work. Or the zip had multiple files in it. I do the rom test and they are missing (it seems) .bin files or others). Now I always get the “terminated before initialized, check the rom path or rom file message whenever I install a new table. All others still work fine. :unsure:



        I download a table and it just has the table vpx file in the zip. I used to just place the vpx table file in the visual pinball tables folder, and the zip file in the visual pinball vpxMame rom folder and they would work. Or the zip had multiple files in it. I do the rom test and they are missing (it seems) .bin files or others). Now I always get the “terminated before initialized, check the rom path or rom file message whenever I install a new table. All others still work fine. :unsure:


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