Got it done!

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  • #207311

      Started building a table from scratch January 1920. Going thru the learning curve for downloading, installing the files, and learning how to sew them together, made my brain bleed. It is now the end of October 1920 and I have the following working on my table:

      Pinball FX3 – I installed this first. Got it working on three displays in cabinet mode. Backglass is a 32″ hdtv, DMD is a 14.9″ display, and the playfield is a 40″ 4K TV. Once this was done I purchased the XTension cabinet.

      Future/BAM – This was next – along with Future DMD. Thank you Terry Red and Major Frenchy!

      VPX – Installed. Thank you Terry Red and Major Frenchy!

      FlexDMD installed- Thank you Freezy!

      Installed DOF & DOFLinx – Got active backglass working on all three systems. Thank you DDH69!

      Bought a LEDWiz board and a 16 channel Sainsmart Relay driver, wired everything together and got 10 solenoids (Ford starter motor solenoids), a knocker, a gear motor (power window motor/gear), and a Stern shaker motor installed and working.

      I’ve found that keeping everything working is an ongoing requirement – MSWindows Defender and OS updates, along with ZEN updates often causes things to stop working – and you need to figure out how to get them working again.

      Just FYI, I am a retired Electronic Engineer who started designing computers and computer systems hardware and software in 1972.  The last half of my career was in management so probably lost a few brain cells during that time.

      Again thanks Terry Red, Major Frenchy, DDH69, :bye: Freezy, and others for making this one hell of a lot easier to accomplish!



        Started building a table from scratch January 1920. Going thru the learning curve for downloading, installing the files, and learning how to sew them together, made my brain bleed. It is now the end of October 1920 and I have the following working on my table:

        It’s the year 1920? Any there’s virtual pinball, holy crap! :scratch:


          1020! – my mistake – blame it on me being a boomer. Anyway, here’s picture of the solenoids and driver.


            Looks very nice great job. Just a tidbit that i ran into, i started out with the ford starter solenoid and they sounded great. I ended up loosing 2 within the first 4 months or moderate play. I made the switch to seimans contactors. They dont have quite the thunk but more reliable in the end. Just something to think about.


              So far I’ve only had one solenoid fail – but that was due to a faulty (open) suppression diode. I originally tried Siemens contactors for the flippers – they worked fine – but found that they aren’t as responsive as the Ford contactors when a flipper is rapidly repeated. I ran into a great one time deal and purchased 25 Ford solenoids real cheap so have lots of spares.

              The red ones have more of a “boing” sound so they are used for the slingshots.


                Just added 7.1 SSF to my cab. This, in addition to the solenoids, makes a HUGE difference – a lot more than I was expecting.

                The Creeping Feature Creature has invaded my brain!  It started with –  Initially I just want a full size cab with good displays. Got that done – OK, I’ll just add solenoids for the flippers. That will be plenty. Yeah right! Got that done – six channels left on my 8 channel Sainsmart USB setup so I added six more solenoids for bumpers, etc. Then decided to add slingshots. Built a Ledwiz feeding a 16 channel Sainsmart to drive the 10 solenoids. Installed it – played with it for a week, then ordered a Stern shaker assembly, replay knocker, and a power car window opener motor/gearbox to use as the gear motor. Installed and played with that for about two days, Then purchased 4 impactors, and a 7.1 audio card and set that up.

                As a result, I have one hell of a machine – and got a good education in the process. H’mmm now maybe I’ll look into a chime unit!


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