Hi-Lo Ace (Bally 1973)

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  • #190526


      Bally’s Hi-Lo Ace (1973)



      Tom started out working on this table and did the layout for it. He opted to keep the worn looking playfield and it grew on me as I was scripting this thing up. Sorry it took so long but I was waiting for the schematics and instruction cards I purchased to arrive. Not a complete set, but close. Anyways, the table plays as standard replay, add-a-ball mode, and novelty mode (specials=5000 points).

      Configuration options are available via my config menu – when no game is in play, hold left flipper for 3 seconds



      Table build/images – Tom

      Scripting – Loserman76

      Wheel/logo on desktop background- Fuzzi23

      EM score reels – editoy

      backglass image – druadic (I think)

      original apron image – hauntfreaks


      ZIP includes B2S and wheel image

      Total of 21 users thanked author for this post. Here are last 20 listed.

        Oh happy day!  first Randr’s Birthday, now HI-lo ace!  Thanks @Loserman76.  We really appreciate the hard work and effort you put in around here.  Again, buying schematics and all the time it takes to do the scripting, who the hell would do all this stuff for the love of the hobby, LM!!!

        I have seen a couple real tables for sale locally but they have either had a cracked backglass, not working or falling apart and they still want $500-800.  Maybe i’ll put a crack in the backglass image for the hell of it!


          Looks great loserman thanks for every table you have shared with community they are all appreciated and this one looks great!

          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android


          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android


          1 user thanked author for this post.

            Thanks.  Great Preservation.

            Dof was not working for me so I swapped out line 17 with this…  DOF works great with this setup.  Please let me know if I am going about this in the wrong way…

            ‘Const cGameName = “HiLoAce_1973”
            Const cGameName = “RollerCoaster_1971”


              Dof probably hasn’t been added for this table yet.  Not all of the old ones have been done especially if it wasn’t in vp9


                I came to this site for 8BDLX.  I stayed because of creations like this.  Love the worn look.  Tom and LMan working together.  I didn’t see that coming.  Glad it did.  Thanks guys!


                  Thank you so much – once again @Loserman76 and the rest of the guys mentioned. Seeing that it has a worn look doesn’t necessary turn me off, I would say, just the opposite. A worn looking table, as long as it isn’t worn out, is great. After the post that Scotty did about how you debug rules from schematics, I’m so impressed by the amount of work you’ve put down creating these wonderful EM’s for us. Downloading now and looking forward to get home from work and play this. :rose:


                    Merci beaucoup

                    Super table

                    Est t il possible d’activer le high score comme pour les autres tables svp ?


                      oops! had to google translate that last comment. Completely forgot to fix the post-it for high scores after I swapped out the apron wall for a primitive. Update 1.0a posting now


                        Grand Grand Merci !!

                        Je vous embête encore… L option à 3 billes n’est pas prise en compte pour moi reste à 5 par défaut

                        Pas très gênant mais bon..



                          Shows you that I don’t play 3ball games – haha. That is fixed now too. Sorry 1.0b is up


                            Vous êtes incollable et hyper réactif !

                            Merci vivement pour toutes ces merveilles qui nous font grand plaisir

                            Bravo Bravo !!

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