Hoops (Gottlieb 1991)

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  • #93834


      First of all Thank all those who once participated in the recreation of this table, Destruk and Tab (and many others), are the ones that have data that have worked, without them I would not have achieved anything, the image of the playfield is not of great quality, but this table I liked a lot for the thematic of street basketball, and also because it has no ramps, which is something that still not recreated, more than anything the reason for doing it is to continue learning and to give back a little of everything they gave me, I hope you enjoy it and if you find mistakes or something that looks bad (sure both will be) I would like very much to be indicated because it helps me to continue learning.


      PD: Use VPX 10.5 rev.3490 or higher, for correct functioning

      Total of 24 users thanked author for this post. Here are last 20 listed.

        Neat table and I can say it has never looked better in vp. Thanks!

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          Hey @Kalavera3

          Tried to check out this table in my cab but it won’t run. I can load it up into VPX just fine, but when I try to play it nothing happens. Screen flashes for a split second and then goes away leaving me sitting back in the editor again. No error messages, no nothing. Any thoughts? I don’t think I’ve seen this particular behavior with any other tables on my rig. I couldn’t find any logs or anything that may point to a specific issue. Any tips or tricks on how to get any debugging info from VPX/VPM?


            Hey @kalavera3 –

            Tried to check out this table in my cab but it won’t run. I can load it up into VPX just fine, but when I try to play it nothing happens. Screen flashes for a split second and then goes away leaving me sitting back in the editor again. No error messages, no nothing. Any thoughts? I don’t think I’ve seen this particular behavior with any other tables on my rig. I couldn’t find any logs or anything that may point to a specific issue. Any tips or tricks on how to get any debugging info from VPX/VPM?

            use the latest beta version of VP, maybe that will solve the problem

            1 user thanked author for this post.

              Hey @kalavera3 –

              Tried to check out this table in my cab but it won’t run. I can load it up into VPX just fine, but when I try to play it nothing happens. Screen flashes for a split second and then goes away leaving me sitting back in the editor again. No error messages, no nothing. Any thoughts? I don’t think I’ve seen this particular behavior with any other tables on my rig. I couldn’t find any logs or anything that may point to a specific issue. Any tips or tricks on how to get any debugging info from VPX/VPM?

              use the latest beta version of VP, maybe that will solve the problem

              Yep. That did the trick – all good now. I should have thought to try that myself, but I didn’t realize that a new beta had just dropped. The table plays really well. Thanks!


                Thx for the nice table. It is not possible to enter a Highscore.


                  Thanks Man, i also love Basketball Themed Tables :good:
                  Looking very good, i will insert a few Coins at the evening … :yes:

                  Should be nice with Wildman’s BG: http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2356-hoopspremier-1991


                    what is the latest version vp

                    Rajo Joey

                      Hm, are you playing in desktop-mode?

                      For me the table is unplayable. The ball is flying like a bird over the table. :bye:

                      Here is a little video. I don’t change any settings and have all the latest updates.


                        I use rev3490 and dont have these problem, someone can help with this? Is a problem with the versión?


                          Problem with hiscore

                          I could check it recently, it does not allow to change the letters with the buttons of the flipper, the truth is not how this is corrected, I will find out and as soon as I have a solution I correct it.


                            I updated to 3490, and all is ok – good Work here :good:

                            About the Hiscore, i think there was already a Problem, and someone solved it … Dozer, DJRobX ?
                            I can’t remember …


                              I updated to 3490, and all is ok – good Work here :good:

                              About the Hiscore, i think there was already a Problem, and someone solved it … Dozer, DJRobX ?

                              I can’t remember …

                              Thanks for the data Stephan I’m going to find if I find something, I know that the rom has problems because if you fix the marker in pinmame does not load, so it is not strange that you have some other problem

                              Rajo Joey

                                So, it seems, I am the only one with this problem?

                                I just updated to the actual VP5 minimal setup and nothing changed.

                                The ball is flying over the table. :scratch:


                                  So, it seems, I am the only one with this problem?

                                  I just updated to the actual VP5 minimal setup and nothing changed.

                                  The ball is flying over the table. :scratch:

                                  I would love to help Joey but the truth is that I do not know, someone else could help in this case, thank you very much.

                                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                                    @joey2001 you must have some key mapped strange or a controller plugged into you pc? show us your key prefrences in vp. Also make dang sure you updated all .vbs files in the scripts folder and NONE are located in the tables folder. but i would think you have some nudge button assigned strangely

                                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                                    So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                                    for IOS and Android


                                    Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                                    So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                                    for IOS and Android


                                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                                    Rajo Joey

                                      @joey2001 you must have some key mapped strange or a controller plugged into you pc? show us your key prefrences in vp. Also make dang sure you updated all .vbs files in the scripts folder and NONE are located in the tables folder. but i would think you have some nudge button assigned strangely

                                      My other 650 tables don’t have that problem, but it could be some keymapping. I use the ultimarc i-pac 2-controller.

                                      Otherwise I start the table and don’t press any button. The ball jumps in the plunger lane and start wandering up the plunger… slow… :wacko:

                                      Here are my key settings. I also disabled the two settings for the mouse and ball flying, but that doesn’t change anything.

                                      I have the newest VP10.5 with all new script only in the scripts-folder.



                                        So, it seems, I am the only one with this problem?

                                        I just updated to the actual VP5 minimal setup and nothing changed.

                                        The ball is flying over the table. :scratch:

                                        I would love to help Joey but the truth is that I do not know, someone else could help in this case, thank you very much.

                                        I’m having the same issue as Joey2001… floating ball across the playfield.
                                        Did the latest update and checked if the script files where in the right place…

                                        Same here… it’s the only table witch has this floating ball thingy.


                                          Wow I’m haunted, the truth is that I do not know why this can happen, Kiwi made a comantario about it somewhere else, maybe that helps, here I leave

                                          Just an idea.

                                          Select the “Gate2”, ball release output, and change the height from 45 to 50.
                                          Go to line 114 of the scripts and change the speed and direction of the release.

                                          bsTrough.InitKick BallRelease,90,5


                                            Try changing the “Overwrite  Physics by Global Set” to Disable.  that’s the only thing I see that may be causing that issue.  It was set for Set 3 or something like that… i’m not having the issue btw, works fine for me.


                                            1 user thanked author for this post.
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