How to prevent DOF R3++ from resetting my other UltimateIO Device

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  • #159454

      I recently updated to DOF R3++ latest version a few days ago. I just noticed that it broke my LEDBlinky lighting of buttons when it launches Virtual Pinball.

      The buttons light properly for a few seconds, then completely turn off.

      I’ve discovered this is due to DOF R3++ update from my ancient version from 2017.

      It seems DOF R3++ is much smarter about it’s auto-setup, and is now detecting both my PacLed64 (controls all my DOF toys) and my Ultimate IO (which controls all my buttons and button lights).

      Previously it was not detecting my Ultimate IO from what I can tell from the Log files.

      The issue is that it appears to reset the Ultimate IO during auto-configuration, so it in essence interupts LEDBlinky’s lightup work (which works for a few seconds until DOF R3++ clears it out).

      My guess is that I need a Cabinet.xml to specify DOF R3++ to only look at my PacLed64 device and stop touching my Ultimate IO device, but i’m not sure how to do that.

      Is it sufficient to just define the output controllers, or when you go into cabinet.xml mode I am going to have to define everything (all toys, etc). Or can I just define the controller and none of the other XML tags?

      Would I then turn off the Autoconfiguration flag in the Global_B2sConfig file?

      Here are the log files of the OLD and new R3++ version:


        So I figured it out. I did have to make a Cabinet.xml to fix my issue with it initializing devices I didn’t want it to initialize and start causing problems with LEDBlinky which was trying to interact with that device.

        To create the Cabinet.xml (not sure this is documented anywhere that I could find). I took ST TNG table and right clicked the backglass image to get into the B2S Config.

        From there I went to the plugins and double clicked on the Direct Output Feedback plugin.

        That brought up a window which I could view the cabinet configuration.

        This then had a button to export cabinet.xml (awesome!).

        This exported the cabinet.xml file.

        I then removed all Ultimate IO device settings in the <Toys> section and removed the UIO from the outputcontrollers section.

        Lastly, there is a bug in the cabinet.xml exporter in that it will NOT output the <Name></Name> field. I had to add that manually otherwise DOF would fail to deserialize that XML file properly.

        Additionally, there is some sort of issue where by the mouse cursor disappears in the above named B2S Config windows, not sure why that was, but it was real fun trying to figure out where my cursor should be when it was invisible. Was randomly clicking all over the place.


          I think you only need a cabinet file for Addressable LED’s If you don’t
          have them removed the cabinet file from the config folder and see what happens

          Make sure you post all this information over here

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