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  • #194938

      Hello everybody, I just wanted to introduce myself and say thank you that I can participate in this forum. I’m Mark, 47, from germany. I’m a PC-Pinball afficionado since “David’s Midnight Magic” on the C64. I never had a real Pinball myself but I grew up with an “Old Chicago” from Bally in my parents’ basement. My twin brother has built a fantastic Virtual Pinball machine, based on VPX and an old and empty Zaccharia “Pinball Champ” cabinet, where I can play anytime I want to. Now I want to try out VR-Pinball with my Rift CV1 (HP Reverb G2 is ordered) – I hope I can make it… :wacko:


        G’day One and All,

        My name is Brian but most people call me by my nickname Boxy. I’m from Melbourne, Australia and got into back into Pinball on the competitive side in 2013 to help curb my pretty serious gambling addiction. By serious I mean about $350k lost in the ten years up until 2013. I’m on record as saying Pinball really changed my life. No joke, It really has and I thank you and the awesome worldwide pinball community for that.

        I’ve played pinball on & off since I was 7 but I haven’t really ventured into the Virtual Pinball world yet. Covid 19 has forced me here because I don’t have a machine or table at home and I’m going batshit crazy not getting my fix! 

        Anyway, my VP journey begins, thanks to everyone who has made this possible. Cheers Boxy


          Hi everyone, new here as well.

          Been loving pinball ever since I was a kid, started up with pinball on my nintendo (which I suppose is pretty awful today), then over to the wonderful pinball dreams/fantasies/illusion and one of my fav games, Slam Tilt on the Amiga.

          Thankfully I live in a very pinball loving city in Sweden called Borås, where we have a pinball community where the owner (INK) has about 100 tables for us to enjoy, but now during Corona times, I’ve stopped going. Still need my fix as @Boxy here as well, and found VPX to have really good physics and the work people have done is nothing short of breathtaking.
          I’ve set up about 160 tables now, using Launchbox/BigBox as frontend, playing on my tv (wish I had a virtual pinball cabinet though).

          Thanks to all people making this possible, cheers <3


            Hi there

            I’m from Switzerland and currently own two real machines: Fish Tales and Dracula. I also created a WPC Emulator running at (Which is used to rip DMD sequences, which are needed for the colorization).

            On a rainy evening I also decided to create some art prints and sell them at – always looking for feedback… especially the “it looks like a machine from a hospital” is my favorite!

            Anyway – I’m looking to merge the physical and virtual pinball machines in the future..




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              I tried out your WPC Emulator and it was very impressive.  Thanks for sharing!





                Hi everyone,

                I am Jeff (Garage Maker Guy) and a big silver ball fan and have been for many years.

                Happy to be part of the crazy good Virtual Pinball Community :)

                Used to be an exhibitor at the California Extreme shows.

                Got tired of moving real pinball machines and doing all of the maintenance:


                A lot of MAME/MAME32 experience.

                I am amazed and so happy to see the virtual pinball community thriving

                The quality of the tables and effects available today are outstanding and truly provide an immersion level that just wasn’t around 20+ years ago.

                Thanks to everyone in the community for sharing.



                Jeff (Garage Maker Guy)



                  thank you for the add love pinball


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                    heloo, looking forward to see what this site has to offer. pinballx user here

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                      Glad to be here. My wife and I love pinball.

                      1 user thanked author for this post.

                        Hello everyone,I’m wild, I still don’t know how to move very well here, I have to get to know the site, if everything goes well I could also add some of my tables, if the Staff of this site allows it.

                        I’m a FP fan, and I also do tables, so stay tuned

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                          Hello all,

                          I first messed around with Visual Pinball and its scripting/building features back in 2006 (I was 11), after I’d managed to download it from Randy Davis’s website as well as many fun tables from IRpinball.

                          I’m now a young adult who is too busy to build a cabinet (but technically apt enough to perform modifications), so I’m snagging one from a custom builder on Etsy. Looking forward to seeing exactly how far this software has come since the days of learning that weird script and attempting to create my own personal version of NBA Fastbreak (You should have seen it. What a cringe-y piece of work. It had EM Reels :wacko:  ).


                            Hello, everybody!

                            I’m new here but a old time Pinball fan, alongside emulation and arcade machine fan.

                            Just coming to say a huge thanks for everybody in the community that keeps the ball rolling (pun intended).


                              Hello everyone,

                              I come from France. I have 4 real pinball machines: addams family, funsouse, getaway and pinball 2000: star wars episode1
                              But now I want to do a pincab.
                              great forum, thanks everyone for the help and sharing.






                                Stormiknight here, loving the information and help!  What a great community.  I made a all black walnut cab and cant stop playing and tinkering!  As I  download tables and appreciate all the effort, I wonder if anyone has considered making a tribute table to the band of my choice “Tool”, or Maynard James Keenan specifically…  Any thoughts?  Eventually, I will get to making my own tables, but curious if anyone has started one to share?  :)



                                  MURB from Wisconsin checking in.  Quick note of thanks to all who make this community available to “new guys” like me.  I am building my 3 screen pinball cabinet and would be lost without you.  I hope all are well in these challenging times.




                                    I got into vpin back in 2011/2012, purchased the computer and monitors, then kind of got overwhelmed with the cabinet build and ended up just buying real pins. Now with life changes etc, I only have enough room for 5 games in the house and a few at some locations. This has brought me back to having 4 real games and 1 pretty good vpin…so I’m back at it. I’ll be making it easier on myself and ordering a flat pack cab and then fitting the monitors into it so all the lockdown/siderails etc will be standardized.  The forum and other forums have been super helpful so thank you to everyone who keeps posting!

                                    Jim Morrisson

                                      Hello to the Vpinball community,

                                      Thanks for the great emulations. I used to play many pinballs in highschool ((30 years ago!). It’s great to play again on the computer. Thans for the hard work. I’m  about to dive in and try a few.




                                        Hi everyone. My name is Paul and I am from Australia ??.  I built my cabinet about 2 years ago and my family and and (wife and 2 kids) have so much fun playing. That is entirely thanks to all of the amazing work done by this community. The talent that exists here is extraordinary and I want to say thankyou sooo much to everyone that contributes. All the contributors here provide so much joy to so many people and I think that is a great credit to you all as amazing people. You make everyday a little like Christmas morning as I get excited about what gift might be waiting.

                                        Thankyou all.

                                        Kind :bye: Regards Paul


                                          Hi Everyone!

                                          I am not new to the world of virtual pinball but I am new to posting on this forum :).  I have done some posting on the other sites.  I’ve owned several real machines over the years.  The only one I still have is the first one I rebuilt.  It is a 1976 Bally Freedom.  I love the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s pins.  My favorite machines are CFTBL, Haunted House, and of course, Medieval Madness.

                                          I’ve built 4 virtual pinball cabs in the last 3 or so years.  My latest is a mid size cabinet.  It doesn’t have all of the bells and whistles that some have but it’s the nicest cab that I put together.  I enjoy it.  It the first 3 screen cab I’ve built.  I also setup SSF.  The cabinet is too small to cram anything more in to it.  Some day I hope to build a full size but right now…this will do.

                                          I want to thank all in the community to their creativity, passion, and knowledge.  Thanks for keeping pinball alive!


                                          Nic Der Hund

                                            Hey yall, name’s Nic!

                                            I have almost always played virtual tables, my favorite still being Epic Megagames Epic Pinball series (Crash ‘n Burn ftw). Recently I have rediscovered my pinball “condition” and found my way here. Will I make a virtual cab? probably, though it’ll be a tiny one made from spare parts. If I decide to stick with this whole virtual pinball thing, I might even recreate my favorite DOS era tables in Visual Pinball. See yall later!

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