Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast

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  • #85094

      Great to see Stern cranking out machines like they are!

      This one seems to have fewer toys that the ones I’ve played, but still looks like a really nice table regardless of that.


        Gimme tablz!



          when I first seen the table online I was really disappointed because I’m old and a Maiden fan but the layout looked lame… its lack of toys even on the LE
          the dmd animation is horrible, Eddie was never meant to me drawn as a 3D character should have been good 2d animation… the theme is great, but mid playfield art is lacking…. it was almost as if Stern said…. yeah yeah yeah… just shit this thing out…..

          moving forward, last weekend I got to play the pro and LE.. I played no less than 20 games in 3 location
          and as much as it has so many cons for me …. its a fun MFer to play!!… the music was awesome (got to play it by ourselves in a coffee shops basement!! so we could really hear it…

          would I own it?…. if it was given to me or I had money to just throw around… yes… but stern is fuckin crazy to ask the money they are for a striped down machine
          but again it really is a fun machine even with so many cons….


            Gimme tablz!

            see now Ghost has resources to build one of his fantastic romless POS….LOL


              I don’t have any connection to the Iron Maiden theme but it is a good example of a game being successful because it is fun to play. You don’t need a bunch of toys or theme from your favorite movie to be a great game. Dialed In is the same way. The DI theme is nutty but it’s one of the most fun games of the last 20 years, IMO.

              Stern Star Wars is the opposite. Great theme for pinball but the game feels clinical and aggravating.



                Gimme tablz!

                see now Ghost has resources to build one of his fantastic romless POS….LOL

                Keep an eye out! He’ll have it for you tomorrow.

                He’ll take it the first five yards out of the endzone. You take it the rest of the way, QB! Just give him credit when you make a touchdown.




                  I 100% agree with star wars… terrible playing game
                  as for the toys for IM… its just for that kinda money, it better give me a handjob and not just a slap on the ass…


                    for 7K you can buy a Houdini that will hold its value, looks, sounds and plays awesome, plus all the bells and whistles…. if onlyI had 7K…LOL

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