(SOLVED) Keys won’t work on Visual Pinball X at all

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  • #153674

      Greetings.  So i downloaded the full installer for Visual Pinball X 10.6.0 and i’ve tried previous versions as well.  I can get tables to launch on it no problem, the lights are flashing and startup sound effects are working and everything.

      The problem is i can’t get VPX to recognize my wired keyboard during play, nor does my controller work.  I can go into preferences and edit the keys, but as soon as i close the screen whatever i changed isn’t saved at all because as soon as i open up the keys screen everything is back to default.

      If i try pressing 1 or 5 or any alphabetical number, any shift or key anywhere on keyboard, nothing happens, i can’t add credits or get a game to start (not to be confused with being able to launch a table, i can do that fine).  Also i’ve tried running the program as and as not as administrator.  Any idea what’s going on?

      Mike DA Spike

        Not sure, but do you have “overide default layout” checked in the keys menu?


          So turns out two factors are what were giving me problems.  One was if I use XPadder at any time, even if i close the program it screws up the key layout.  Secondly is i must run as administrator.  But it’s weird that if i run xpadder, even if i close it and then try to play that it still causes the keys to not work.  Anyway, problem solved =)

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