King Kong (Data East 1990)

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  • #122565

      Mod Based in King Kong 1990 Data East recreate for Dazz vp9 and gtxjoe VPX


      Special thanks to:

      Dazz creating the King Kong WIP on VP9 and asking me to help with scripting the table. The two left ramps proved to be almost impossible to implement with VP9 and Physmod. With VPX, it was finally possible :)

      DStruct for sharing the FP resources

      Wildman for the Kong backglass

      Arngrim for DOF support

      Toxie and Fuzzel for VPX


      Cheers, Javier..


      Please, if you can help me with a small contribution to update my work team and continue to make more tables I will be eternally grateful.



      "Learning without thought is vain, thought without learning is dangerous." (Confucius)

      "Aprender sin pensar es inĂștil, pensar sin aprender es peligroso". (Confucio)

      Please, if you can help me with a small contribution to update my work team and continue to make more tables I will be eternally grateful.

      "Learning without thought is vain, thought without learning is dangerous." (Confucius)

      "Aprender sin pensar es inĂștil, pensar sin aprender es peligroso". (Confucio)

      Please, if you can help me with a small contribution to update my work team and continue to make more tables I will be eternally grateful.

      Total of 33 users thanked author for this post. Here are last 20 listed.

        Wow that looks fantastic! Can’t wait to put it on my cab and enjoy playing it! Thanks so much!


          Thanks, you are the King !


            Thanks I bet this is great! Will give it a try tonight!

            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android


            Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
            So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
            for IOS and Android



              Thanks, Javier… thanks to GTXJoe for the original VPX version as well.


                any plans to make the upper flipper correct size and texture? @Javier1515 otherwise looks great!

                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                for IOS and Android


                Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                for IOS and Android



                  I already have an updated version with the king-flipper and other arrangements.
                  If someone can do the decal ramp of the jackpot and the king-flipper would be great for the table to be more like the real one.



                  Cheers, Javier..

                  "Learning without thought is vain, thought without learning is dangerous." (Confucius)

                  "Aprender sin pensar es inĂștil, pensar sin aprender es peligroso". (Confucio)

                  Please, if you can help me with a small contribution to update my work team and continue to make more tables I will be eternally grateful.


                  "Learning without thought is vain, thought without learning is dangerous." (Confucius)

                  "Aprender sin pensar es inĂștil, pensar sin aprender es peligroso". (Confucio)

                  Please, if you can help me with a small contribution to update my work team and continue to make more tables I will be eternally grateful.



                    With or without King flipper. Very nice job. I like ! :rose:


                      Apparently there are only 9 prototypes of this actual table in the world. It never went to production although it was slotted for an initial 3000 unit release.  The reality that we are able to play this is amazing!  I love that this vpx is getting better and better.  Thank you Javier and thank you Dazz and Gtxjoe! Excited for the King Flipper and Future changes.  Wow!  Pinball history and we can play it. Amazing!




                        I already have an updated version with the king-flipper and other arrangements.

                        If someone can do the decal ramp of the jackpot and the king-flipper would be great for the table to be more like the real one.


                        Cheers, Javier..

                        I’m attempting a re-draw of the ramp decals and flipper decal… (along with a primitive of each)  Anyone have an idea on what that font would be on the ramp decals?  that would save a ton of time.  The flipper I’ll do by hand.



                          @javier  Fewwww, that ramp… you were not kidding.  I think I could come up with a collidable primitive ramp that should work pretty well, along with a visible ramp to go along with it.  I’ve had pretty good luck using Col Primitive ramps, both AFM and tmnt use them.  Let me know if you are interested.


                          Flipper decal is done, I’d just have to size it to a king size flipper.



                            @javier1515 : I believe you need to make wall58 a bit longer, I was able to loose the ball behind the targets from the opening.


                              @javier Fewwww, that ramp
 you were not kidding. I think I could come up with a collidable primitive ramp that should work pretty well, along with a visible ramp to go along with it. I’ve had pretty good luck using Col Primitive ramps, both AFM and tmnt use them. Let me know if you are interested.

                              Flipper decal is done, I’d just have to size it to a king size flipper.



                              do it, do it man!  :yes:

                              "Learning without thought is vain, thought without learning is dangerous." (Confucius)

                              "Aprender sin pensar es inĂștil, pensar sin aprender es peligroso". (Confucio)

                              Please, if you can help me with a small contribution to update my work team and continue to make more tables I will be eternally grateful.


                              "Learning without thought is vain, thought without learning is dangerous." (Confucius)

                              "Aprender sin pensar es inĂștil, pensar sin aprender es peligroso". (Confucio)

                              Please, if you can help me with a small contribution to update my work team and continue to make more tables I will be eternally grateful.



                                @javier1515 : I believe you need to make wall58 a bit longer, I was able to loose the ball behind the targets from the opening.


                                I think you mean the wall158? If so, I already solve it in the next update!

                                "Learning without thought is vain, thought without learning is dangerous." (Confucius)

                                "Aprender sin pensar es inĂștil, pensar sin aprender es peligroso". (Confucio)

                                Please, if you can help me with a small contribution to update my work team and continue to make more tables I will be eternally grateful.


                                "Learning without thought is vain, thought without learning is dangerous." (Confucius)

                                "Aprender sin pensar es inĂștil, pensar sin aprender es peligroso". (Confucio)

                                Please, if you can help me with a small contribution to update my work team and continue to make more tables I will be eternally grateful.



                                  Stuck ball from slow left ramp


                                    Stuck ball from slow left ramp

                                    Solve!!  :good:

                                    "Learning without thought is vain, thought without learning is dangerous." (Confucius)

                                    "Aprender sin pensar es inĂștil, pensar sin aprender es peligroso". (Confucio)

                                    Please, if you can help me with a small contribution to update my work team and continue to make more tables I will be eternally grateful.


                                    "Learning without thought is vain, thought without learning is dangerous." (Confucius)

                                    "Aprender sin pensar es inĂștil, pensar sin aprender es peligroso". (Confucio)

                                    Please, if you can help me with a small contribution to update my work team and continue to make more tables I will be eternally grateful.



                                      Looking great guys! already is a great looking and playing table but these little things will make it perfect. thanks again for the work on such a rare pinball machine :good:

                                      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                                      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                                      for IOS and Android


                                      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                                      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                                      for IOS and Android



                                        Can you explain how to fix the stuck ball from the left ramp?  This game is great but that happens on a regular basis and I end up tilting trying to get the ball unstuck


                                          Best would be 1) Make sure you have the latest version 2) report the issue with a picture, so that we or author can fix it for everyone.


                                            Exact same problem that you posted, just wondering what I can do to fix it.  Didn’t see a need to repost a pic exactly like the one from your post

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