Launch Script Help

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  • #82388

      wondering what the parameters mean in the line

      START “” “[STARTDIR]Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe” 10 10 60

      I believe the 60 is a timeout, but what are the other 2 and what is the 3rd if I’m wrong

      Trying to speed things up on my cabine, since its a very fast machine and I don’t think I need 10 seconds to load up table.

      Thanks, Great front end



        ====================== VPX SECTION ============================

        * Launch Strict General
        * VPXSTARTER is used for ANY program, not just VPX. This describes what it will do when launching a game:
        * – example: vpxstarter.exe 2 4 60 “TITLE”
        * – if the TITLE is found, hide Pinup Popper after “2” seconds and keep the “TITLE” in focus for “4” seconds
        * – if the TITLE is not found, it will TIMEOUT and PinUP Popper will HIDE after “60” seconds.

        try playing with the first numbers….  2 4 60

        try loading big tables like ac/dc and make sure there’s enough time to load those.

        Also,  this is just for now… the next build of 10.5 beta has some new things that will help Popper ‘hide’ as soon as ready… making the time not important.



          wow, that is quick service, Thanks

          I assume VP9 will always use this.

          1 user thanked author for this post.

            hi everyone I was hopeing someone could help me setup retroarch on pinnup popper the reason I want to use retroarch is because it allows me to play crue ball for sega mega drive on my cabinet stretched to the size of it as well as a few other sega and nintendo pinball games here are my launch setups and what I’m trying to achieve at the moment it launches then crashes to desktop thankyou 20190906_11530320190906_12005420190906_115422



              So I love using PinUpPopper as my front end now but sometimes my Pac64 controller Board leaves on a toy (lights, Solenoids, shaker, gear motor). The maker of my Pac64 Zeboards made a kill program that worked with PinballX. It would reset the Pac64 every time I launched or exited the game.

              How would do I get it to work with PinUpPopper?

              I’ve attached the file for review.

              Thank you to Nailbuster and the community for any help.

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