Loading video don't stop after return from playing

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  • #128846

      I finally got loading video (transparent and seamless) to work, looks really great.

      Just, when returning from playing, the video still runs (loading video from Arc wheel theme or other game specific loading videos). It is running on top of the normal wheel bar.

      Using Task Manager I can see it is a process named Pinupdisplay POPSCREEN7.

      Kill that removes the video.

      I already tried to read all threads about PinUp Player but found nothing similar. Any idea? Maybe use taskkill in the emulator script, but how to kill the correct one?

      thanks for any help!


        If you’re part of pinup FB group… This is how others solved




          thanks – is there any way to read it without signing in to Facebook to publishing all my private data? So far I managed to live without them…


            Go with PinballY – doesn’t require Facebook ;-)

            Make a fake account for things like this is maybe good alternative ?


              it’s about the account, not about the data inside, of course all could be nonsense.

              Facebook is really clever and good to track you, even if you logout, and then have a good profile of all your activity. They don’t need your name to sell ads.

              That’s fair for people wanting to use them, but it is a bad source for a forum, at least if you don’t want to share all your life just to read something.

              Solution is to use a virtual machine and trash that after usage, but a lot of work for a single read.


                Browsers have incognito modes – and firefox is not spyware. It’s not that. I agree with what your saying.


                  here’s the info from the fb post:

                  makes sure popper theme/loading screen is set to forcepop and this is setup exactly:

                  also, global settings/displays is setup like this:





                    works! It was the global settings.

                    Thousand thanks. it looks super and is one of these raw moments when everything works just great and you think for a moment “it’s done, finally, perfect”.


                      Is a great feeling getting everything “working” :)

                      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                      for IOS and Android


                      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
                      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
                      for IOS and Android



                        “its done” …you mean the first stage :)

                        don’t forget to get network game manager setup,  media manager web media download update…and lots more…

                        here’s some tips and tricks.. all stuffs on wiki:  http://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=tips_tricks

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