Lost my 3 screen B2S setup

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  • #202408

      Hey guys, I have recently got a whole new setup: cpu, gpu, ssd, pws, ram, mobo.  I am now able to run in 4K, and man what a difference.  If some of you guys havent made the switch yet I highly recommend.  But to my question.

      Somehow in the process of getting everything back up and running, I seem to have lost the graphics on my non DMD tables.  I have set the default dmd position in the regedit, b2s setup in the tables folder and dmd deviceini.  I have both boxes unchecked for dmd and external dmd.

      When I have a table running, when I alt+tab to see available screens i can see a blank form DMD tab.

      Here is the screenres and dmd_device ini for reference.

      Any help is appreciated, thanks Ryan



      ; how to downscale SEGA 192×64 pixel games to smaller displays: fit, fill or stretch
      resize = fit
      ; flips the image horizontally
      fliphorizontally = false
      ; flips the image vertically
      flipvertically = false
      ; enable or disable frame-by-frame colorization (inactive in VPX bundle)
      colorize = true

      ; a DMD that renders with nice dots on a computer monitor
      enabled = true
      ; virtual dmd stays on top of all other windows
      stayontop = false
      ; ignore the aspect ratio of the rendered dots when resizing
      ignorear = true
      ; use VPM’s registry values when positioning the virtual dmd
      useregistry = false
      ; x-axis of the window position
      left = 5764
      ; y-axis of the window position
      top = 4
      ; width of the dmd in monitor pixels
      width = 766
      ; height of the dmd in monitor pixels
      height = 230
      ; scale the dot size (set to 0.8 for same size as pre-1.6.0)
      dotsize = 0.8

      ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD1
      enabled = false

      ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD2
      enabled = false

      ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD3
      enabled = false
      ; COM port, e.g. COM3
      port =

      ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a PIN2DMD
      enabled = false
      ; how long to wait in milliseconds after sending a palette
      delay = 25

      ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a Pixelcade
      enabled = false
      ; COM port, e.g. COM3
      port =
      ; color matrix to use, either “rgb” or “rbg”
      matrix = rgb

      ; if enabled, stream to your DMD connected to another computer
      enabled = false
      url = ws://

      ; if enabled, stream to your browser in your LAN
      enabled = false
      port = 9090

      ; if enabled, stream DMD to https://test.vpdb.io/live
      enabled = false
      endpoint = https://api-test.vpdb.io/

      ; if enabled, writes frames to an .avi file
      enabled = false
      ; path to folder or .avi file. if folder, gamename.avi is used.
      path =

      ; if enabled, send frames to PinUP.
      enabled = true

      enabled = false
      style = default

      style.default.skewangle = 12
      style.default.backgroundcolor = ff000000
      style.default.foreground.enabled = true
      style.default.foreground.color = fffbe6cb
      style.default.foreground.blur.enabled = true
      style.default.foreground.blur.x = 2
      style.default.foreground.blur.y = 2
      style.default.foreground.dilate.enabled = false

      style.default.innerglow.enabled = true
      style.default.innerglow.color = a0dd6a03
      style.default.innerglow.blur.enabled = true
      style.default.innerglow.blur.x = 15
      style.default.innerglow.blur.y = 13
      style.default.innerglow.dilate.enabled = true
      style.default.innerglow.dilate.x = 15
      style.default.innerglow.dilate.y = 10

      style.default.outerglow.enabled = true
      style.default.outerglow.color = 40b65829
      style.default.outerglow.blur.enabled = true
      style.default.outerglow.blur.x = 50
      style.default.outerglow.blur.y = 50
      style.default.outerglow.dilate.enabled = true
      style.default.outerglow.dilate.x = 90
      style.default.outerglow.dilate.y = 40

      style.default.background.enabled = true
      style.default.background.color = 20ffffff
      style.default.background.blur.enabled = true
      style.default.background.blur.x = 7
      style.default.background.blur.y = 7
      style.default.background.dilate.enabled = false



        Set 5764 to 0 and it should show up on the play field, Then work from there
        3 screen setup with Dot matrix locator file —  https://vpinball.com/forums/topic/3-screen-set-up-and-more/

        1 user thanked author for this post.

          Ill give that a try shorty, but as I remember u put it in the same location as i did with the other locations correct?



            Alright I did some work, and got it going again.  I was adding my playfield and BG pixels to get my corrodent number instead of just using the BG number of 1920.  Alls good, Thanks agian

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