Media Cleanup?

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  • #145173

      Hey peeps,

      I was wondering on how you guys manage media that isn’t needed anymore?
      Some tables get removed after a while, but all media stays.
      In case of full pupvideo’s it can hog quite some space.
      Or when upgrading tables from vpt to vpx.
      All video files stay untouched and created new if nog manually copied or cleaned up.

      Is there a way to automatically cleanup media and keep only the media of games active in the play lists?

      Bally widebody - i5-4690 - 16Gb - Gigabyte Z97X-SLI-CF - Nvidia GTX1660Ti 6Gb - 256GbM.2 - 60Gb SSD (Win10Pro) - Samsung 49" 4K UHDR - 30" LG Backglass - 17" LCD dmd - iPad as topper - Ledwiz - Teensy - iPac32 - 8 Contactors - 5 Flashers - Gear - Shaker - Knocker - Addressable strips and matrix - 2 Strobes - RGB under cab - RGB buttons - 3-axis Tiltbob

      Bally widebody - i5-4690 - 16Gb - Gigabyte Z97X-SLI-CF - Nvidia GTX1660Ti 6Gb - 256GbM.2 - 60Gb SSD (Win10Pro) - Samsung 49" 4K UHDR - 30" LG Backglass - 17" LCD dmd - iPad as topper - Ledwiz - Teensy - iPac32 - 8 Contactors - 5 Flashers - Gear - Shaker - Knocker - Addressable strips and matrix - 2 Strobes - RGB under cab - RGB buttons - 3-axis Tiltbob


        It’s all about media management.  I don’t add stuff in unless I plan on keeping it.  I have special folders for tables and media that is worth keeping but not necessarily going in the collection. I may down the road decided to use it or fix or update it.  I am actually pretty OCD, I have about three stages a table goes through before it makes it to the table folder.  If a table gets updated it’s easy enough to delete the old table or pack.


          I’ve made some custom perl scripts that reads my xml files and find media that isn’t referenced. It zip’s them all down. Unfortunately, it is quite specialized to my setup. Run it on a semi-regular basis.


            Thanks both for your answers.

            Since the game database isn’t too big (200-ish tables) at this moment I still can keep it up manually.
            Was just wondering on how you peeps handled this.
            I once installed three sets of 200+ wheel images. That wasn’t the brightest idea since I now have to filter my existing games in the 600+ wheel images.
            Ah well, one is never finished isn’t it?  :-)

            The use of sub folders is actually a pretty good idea to determine if one is a keeper or not!

            Bally widebody - i5-4690 - 16Gb - Gigabyte Z97X-SLI-CF - Nvidia GTX1660Ti 6Gb - 256GbM.2 - 60Gb SSD (Win10Pro) - Samsung 49" 4K UHDR - 30" LG Backglass - 17" LCD dmd - iPad as topper - Ledwiz - Teensy - iPac32 - 8 Contactors - 5 Flashers - Gear - Shaker - Knocker - Addressable strips and matrix - 2 Strobes - RGB under cab - RGB buttons - 3-axis Tiltbob

            Bally widebody - i5-4690 - 16Gb - Gigabyte Z97X-SLI-CF - Nvidia GTX1660Ti 6Gb - 256GbM.2 - 60Gb SSD (Win10Pro) - Samsung 49" 4K UHDR - 30" LG Backglass - 17" LCD dmd - iPad as topper - Ledwiz - Teensy - iPac32 - 8 Contactors - 5 Flashers - Gear - Shaker - Knocker - Addressable strips and matrix - 2 Strobes - RGB under cab - RGB buttons - 3-axis Tiltbob


              there is a user that made a utility for Popper to clean up all orphaned media….

              he posted on FB the link.

              I’ll ask if he can upload here to the popper util section.


                if you have an XML of your tables

                you can use this


                this program will create a sub folder named “unknown”  in media folder you are scanning

                and move all the media files to the unknown folder  if the name of the media does not match or is found in the XML.


                I converted the puplookup.csv  to an XML and renamed most of my tables to match the names in the csv file.

                I used this program to move all my mismatched tables and media to a “need to rename” folder  from the unknown folder.

                see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it

                see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it


                  Any info on whereabouts of this utility?
                  I tried searching Facebook, but to no avail.

                  Bally widebody - i5-4690 - 16Gb - Gigabyte Z97X-SLI-CF - Nvidia GTX1660Ti 6Gb - 256GbM.2 - 60Gb SSD (Win10Pro) - Samsung 49" 4K UHDR - 30" LG Backglass - 17" LCD dmd - iPad as topper - Ledwiz - Teensy - iPac32 - 8 Contactors - 5 Flashers - Gear - Shaker - Knocker - Addressable strips and matrix - 2 Strobes - RGB under cab - RGB buttons - 3-axis Tiltbob

                  Bally widebody - i5-4690 - 16Gb - Gigabyte Z97X-SLI-CF - Nvidia GTX1660Ti 6Gb - 256GbM.2 - 60Gb SSD (Win10Pro) - Samsung 49" 4K UHDR - 30" LG Backglass - 17" LCD dmd - iPad as topper - Ledwiz - Teensy - iPac32 - 8 Contactors - 5 Flashers - Gear - Shaker - Knocker - Addressable strips and matrix - 2 Strobes - RGB under cab - RGB buttons - 3-axis Tiltbob

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