Missing Pinball VPX. Bride of Pinbot

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  • #209329

      Wierd science bit problem.


      I was playing The Machine. Bride of Pinbot, last night and hit the Grand Champion High score. Then like a spoiled child, when I come to play on it today, it wont run, says “Pinball Missing” I assume that the table needs to be reset by deleting the highscore / credits file, or is there some kind of hidden device code somewhere to kick the balls back into being.

      The Table should have 2 pinballs in it for multiball function and on the real one if one is missing or a res switch isnt functioning properly, or (has happened on my real one once) the head resets while a ball is crossing it and falls in the box underneath.

      I assume this isnt possible on the VPX table seeing as the ball is a piece of code, so how can I fix it, just delete the file?

      Silver ball go that way, as eyes went this way, GAME OVER !!

      Silver ball go that way, as eyes went this way, GAME OVER !!

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