NFL Chiefs PuPPack

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  • #222412

      1st link is the muted rom – 2nd link is the “standard” PuPPack – 3rd link is the 4×3 PuPPack.


      Just in time for Superbowl!!!

      Thanks to Joey Beaulieu for the overlays! SuperDimi and Harlan are awesome – always willing to help and test for me as well. Thanks to my discord testers and Moviguru for being my 4×3 tester!

      Thanks as always to the “Guru’s” Opeckie, David, Peter and Terry for always lending a hand!


      This is for Fun DO NOT SELL or Redistribute or reupload as your own.

      9 users thanked author for this post.

        Where’s the Cowboys! :)


          Thank You!!


            This is awesome! Thank you so much, from a life long Kansas City Chiefs Fan!!!!!


              Thanks! This looks great. Hoping you would put DA BEARS on your list! :yes:

              Bert Toni

                :yahoo: :good: Thanxxx for this great pup pack and the cool music. I hope someone of the table Artists do a an overhaul for this cool table. I think that table is worth to look more like 4K masterpiece.


                  :yahoo: :good: Thanxxx for this great pup pack and the cool music. I hope someone of the table Artists do a an overhaul for this cool table. I think that table is worth to look more like 4K masterpiece.

                  I heard that the author Xenoph might be !!!!

                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                    I am indeed working on updating all of the NFL Team table mods.

                    Honestly, these NFL team mods were the first tables I ever worked on, and back then I didn’t know what the hell I was doing!! I barely knew how to copy and paste pics back then!! lol And I only used the paint program that came with windows back then for graphics editting, so all pics lost transparency when saving, so that made things difficult to say the least. Also I never knew about adding timers to music back then.

                    Long story, short version..I have learned alot since then.

                    Right now I am working on making the plastics look like the original NFL table. There are no good resource pics to be found anywhere on the net.

                    (Anybody out there with access to this NFL pinball table, it would certainly be appreciated if you could take some hi-res pics of this table!!)

                    Remember only the backglass was different for each NFL team on the original table. The plastics graphics were all the same.

                    So once this new original table is completed, I will build the team mods with the original plastics as default. And then the Home, Away, Color Rush, and older team emblem themes can be toggled in script or by keypress.

                    32assassin has sent me all of his resources, and he upgraded sliderpoints NFL wip table with a bunch of new primitives and a hell of alot more!!

                    So 32assassin and sliderpoint should be the ones you thank when these are all completed.

                    I also have all the resources to make each team backglass as it was originally.

                    Coyo5050 sent me all of his resources for the original backglasses. He is the one who made 4 or 5 great original NFL backglasses!!

                    So I also will be completing all the original team backglasses. You should thank Coyo5050 when these are completed.

                    I am also looking into using the altsound method for the music and sounds for each team. So no music will be scripted into table.

                    iDigStuff sent me the NFL rom in ogg format, ready to be modified.

                    You should thank iDigStuff when the altsound packages are completed.

                    And you should thank hawkeyez88 for making these awsome NFL PupPacks!!

                    Thank you all!!

                    So stay tuned for some pretty huge updates!!!

                    Thank you for your time.

                    Carry on.

                    Bert Toni

                      WOW that sounds cooool… :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:   Big thanxxx in advance for all the artists… :heart:

                      1 user thanked author for this post.
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