Object Required Controller

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  • #208007

      SOLVED/Closed.  Not sure how I did it but it finally worked.  Forgot the close this.

      Has anyone encountered this error: Object Required Controller

      I cannot get VPVR to run any tables as it says it cannot find this object.  I’ve tried Attack from Mars (new one released), Corvette, Jurassic Park…

      My normal VP works fine…I’m struggling with VPVR..


      Thank you!!

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by scampa123.

        It sounds like you’re running an old version of VPX I think? Or sambuild? Make sure they’re up to date, apart from that redownload and make sure you overwrite with all the latest files.

        1 user thanked author for this post.

          in most cases a required object controller happens because the dB2s is enabled and you don’t have a dB2s

          as the controller is set to use a dB2s and you don’t have a dB2s because you are using  a VR table.


          in other cases is because you have outdated controller.vbs files in your tables folder.

          see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it

          see a table you like help me find the resources so that I can finish it

          1 user thanked author for this post.

            Has anyone encountered this error: Object Required Controller

            I cannot get VPVR to run any tables as it says it cannot find this object. I’ve tried Attack from Mars (new one released), Corvette, Jurassic Park…

            My normal VP works fine…I’m struggling with VPVR..

            Thank you!!

            Yeah not enough info to help, What VR rig are you running ? How are you running it ? if its Quest (Link or Virtual Desktop) Is Steam on & running ? Did you follow Sixtoe’s VR PINBALL GUIDE ? You are using VPinballX_GL.exe aren’t you lol ? etc etc etc




              I’m all set, it’s working these days just cannot remember what I did

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