Other emulation setups you got?

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  • #114479

      I would sure like to see peoples mame cabs or pi setups to see what else people got for emulation!
      I built a cocktail mame with real 19″crt arcade monitor) cab years ago and still works great and many other mame cabs from full size 25″ 4 player setups to my

      edit…forgot to mention a have arcade legends cab at the office and one of my mame cabs too :)

      new bartop/touch screen cab but what do you guys have?

      was just playing around with the pi for my kids cheaper setup and wow has it improved since i last updated the OS.

      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
      for IOS and Android


      Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
      So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
      for IOS and Android



        Well, that could be a can of worms. Here are just a few of mine to start with.



          WELL! very cool! @aldiode
          WOW i would say you have made a few

          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android


          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android




            Well beside the pincab I originally was into sim racing.  So I had a racing simpit that also did flight sims.

            Had a few evolutions of it…








            Now it has simvibe feedback with 12 transducers which is awesome. It’s like sitting inside a pincab with SSF on steroids. I also now combine that with VR which is awesome!




              Wow guys!!! I’m coming to your houses and Randr’s for some real pinball :yahoo:

              Here is my little corner of the basement. Not shown are the stick hockey game and foosball table. Funny thing with the Multicade. The wife and I went shopping for a shuffleboard table right after I finished our basement. We had 24′ to spare on one wall in the back area but in the end figured we wouldn’t play it that much. So, while at Watson’s in Cincinnati we bought the Multicade. It has a JAMMA board and a bunch of games. Wife is great at all the Pacman’s and I still love Centipede with the trackball. I sim race using a Samsung Odyssey+  I’m sure Terry could lap me in no time – LOL


              And on the opposite wall is my passion for the last 55 years. A green Fender Duosonic on the stand and the others in the rack are a 1970 Univox I use for slide, Parker Fly Deluxe, tricked out Godin LG, and an American Strat with Jimi Hendrix custom shop pickups. Mainly play Blues and Classic Rock. Main influences are Buddy Guy, Jimi and Eric Clapton.



                I’ve made a few bartop mame cabs although i don’t have a bar so they are desktop.. or shelf top or something.

                First was M.Y. Arcade, single player 17″ lcd that manually rotates (pops out front, rotate place back), controls setup for classics Asteroids, Defender, Space Zap, Missile Command.


                Second was my Little Bastard based on a 7″ windows tablet that auto-rotates depending on the game.  controls for dual joystick (Robotron mainly) and a lot of vertical and side scrolling shooters.


                Build threads for both over on forum.arcadecontrols.com

                MY Arcade

                Little Bastard



                  I’m currently mid-mame build… waiting for spring to be able to use the garage for finishing touches/lcd marquee.

                  I have an old-tank stick that i put on a floating desk for my old setup.  and the new setup soon,  got the 15″ dmd lcd from ali to put as a marquee on mamecab.

                  my ‘older’ tankstick setup:


                  my new mamecab in the works:







                    no pics of my rig but, the results sure. On a suspended 43″ portrait mode and portrait rotated display I get to enjoy both mame and vp. not only emulating the game but a full size cab in mame :


                    and of course all my FSS conversions.



                      F3031F3B-EB33-4ADC-A002-7BAFD650A63CMAME cab and vpx cab


                        I got a Flash pinball, then wanted a multicade, so I built 60-in-1 Galaga repro from scratch, which led to virtual pinball. I’d like to figure out how to build a mame cabinet dedicated to vector games like Star Wars or Tempest.  Not sure if its even possible.








                          I have my Vpin, bartop Hyperspin. And my pc  which I have a 16tb Hyperspin. Everything from Atari, all the way up to wii u. Lol and the only thing I play is my vpin20190221_042308

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