PIN2DMD setup

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  • #198932

      Can anyone point me to a current guide of how to get a PIN2DMD setup and working with VPX pinmame.   I keep finding files that are outdated (google) and have options that are not in my sam build.  The unit doesn’t arrive for a week or so, but trying to be prepared ahead of time.  If it is super simple the a quick cliffs would be great as well.  Thanks so much.


        Anybody have any ideas, I get the error pin2dmd not found.  But I can use the tool to change the brightness and I was able to update the firmware to 3.15.  It boots to the pin2dmd screen with the words virtual pinball underneath.




          Nevermind, it has to be something due to windows 8,  moving to my windows 10 machine it worked perfect as expected.



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