Pinball FX3 Record DMD

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  • #90215

      Hey guys,

      I have been been getting all of my FX3 tables setup on PuP. I am using the RecordDMD function. When it finishes and saves, the quality on my PinDMD looks really bad compared to when I run the table using DMDEXT. Does anybody have any tips as to how to clean up the video or do something so they can look very similar to what DMDEXT is putting out?




        not sure I understand…  you have a hardware dmd?  and you are recording the dmd from lcd?  and then converting to animated gif?




          Yes that is what I am doing.I go enable the virtual DMD and record it and then convert it to AVI… The problem with FX3 is that their virtual DMD has very subtle background color that when played back through PuP, doesn’t look good. The DMD tries to display those subtle background colors and it makes it look like crap on the real DMD.


            Yes that is what I am doing.I go enable the virtual DMD and record it and then convert it to AVI… The problem with FX3 is that their virtual DMD has very subtle background color that when played back through PuP, doesn’t look good. The DMD tries to display those subtle background colors and it makes it look like crap on the real DMD.

            is this only a fx3 record problem (your vpx dmd recording is ok?)

            here are samples dmd anigifs:

            maybe try different settings in the converter to see if that makes the output better


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