Pinball (Stern 1977)

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      Pinball (Stern 1977)

      This was  produced by Stern Electronics in 1977 as an EM version and also a SS version.  According to IPDB, it uses the same rom as stingray, but we’ll talk about that later!  It has a set of unique drop targets that look like standup targets but actually drop.  Very fun table to create.

      Thanks to the following that helped make this table possible:

      Itchigo for his VP9 version that paved the way for this one, thankyou sir.

      @32Assassin for helping me get the script together, for troubleshooting, fixing and just being there when i had off the wall questions or requests.  I think i also used your back plastic from one of your tables for Memory Lane and then this one.  Backglass, see reference below in Wildman thanks

      @Bord for making a bunch of the primitives including apron, custom drop targets, primitive playfield, shadow layer…. and for being there to help me out whenever i needed it.

      @Thalamus for play testing and figuring out some bugs that i couldn’t!

      Updon, @posty90, for doing the great playfield redraw.  This table started all because i saw his wheel image he created at VPF for this table.  He said that JP was making this one, I talked to JP and he said it was on his list but it was a long list, so i took it over for him.  Thanks JP

      Chris Edler over at pinside, for some great plastic scans that make this table really pop

      @Arngrim for adding and updating the DOF for this table, Go update you DOF!!!

      Lastly, but certainly not least, @Wildman for making the great backglass for this table.  @32assassin actually created one first but Wildman pointed out that it was the EM version based off of a few differences.  We should be able to use 32s version when the EM version of this table comes out……

      Roms:  none included but easy to find

      “Pinball” rom-  switches and lights all work correctly but the 3rd and 4th player doesnt work

      “stingray” rom- 3rd and 4th player now work but the lights are not accurate

      Read the IPDB for Pinball and stingray, they both say they use the opposite roms……..

      “pinbalfp” rom- free play but 3rd and 4th player dont work

      All available at VPF, i did have issues with some at IPDB, and all in script to change.


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        Thanks for the mention, but, I didn’t do much. You, would have found the issues if you just hadn’t tried to much. Thank you for creating this Tom. You’ve given me many laughs lately. Once was the comment about Stern being idiots for making a pin called Pinball. I saw your post, tried to find the manual on ipdb. LOL, I understood your struggles right away. :rose:

        Downloading the final version now and looking forward to see those drop targets in action ! :good:   ( thank you 32a / bord )




          Looks really great, man. Thanks for all the work you put into, also all the work it takes to coordinate with multiple contributors. Your passion for this stuff is infectious.

          You know I love classic Sterns so having this in the collection is a real treat!

          1 user thanked author for this post.

            Eh. Anyone else getting a error on line 770 at the start of the table ? I know I had it before, but, I just commented out that code and forgot about it. Thought it was fixed – or maybe it is on my end ?!


              This looks great bud!

              I love the artwork on this, It’s like a cross between Archie and cuphead

              Can’t wait to play later


                Man, i really have to go to Cab again ? Yes …

                Thanks, esp. also for the ROM Instructions :good:


                  Was following the wip thread, never heard of a table just called “Pinball” and was very interested in it just by reading the passion you seemed to have for it @armyaviation.  Can’t wait to give it a go. Thanks to you and all that contributed to making this table happen. :good:


                    You will find a good Wheel Logo here, by updon719 :


                      Looks fantastic, but gives me also error at 770, after commenting that out it gives error at 779. Thanks for this unknown table!


                        @Arngrim was getting an error to, is it in the case section for the drop targets I believe.  I am not using 107 beta if that makes a difference


                          Same error here line 770.


                          By the way thank you so much for this beautiful table. Trying 10.7 beta now.


                            can you play it @sheltemke

                            Arngrim’s fix while updating DOF:

                            ok i have found the problem,

                            if i replace .75 by 1 for example at the end of the line i can run the table, i think because i am at a different region settings than you i have the issue
                            but i tried 0,75 or 0.75 and i can’t compile the code, so i used 1 instead for my tests

                            Case 0: Execute PrimitivePrefix & swnum & ”.” & DropTgtMovementDir & ”=” & -DropTgtMovementMax * 1


                              Same error with the latest 10.7 beta exe. No i cannot play it Tom.


                                Nah. It’s a end of statement error. Not a locale issue ( I think )


                                  I don’t know anything about scripting but with this way it works:


                                  Case 0: Execute PrimitivePrefix & swnum & “.” & DropTgtMovementDir & “=” & -DropTgtMovementMax * 1
                                  Case 1: Execute PrimitivePrefix & swnum & “.” & DropTgtMovementDir & “=” & -DropTgtMovementMax * 1
                                  Case 2,3,4: Execute PrimitivePrefix & swnum & “.” & DropTgtMovementDir & “=” & 10
                                  Case 5: Execute PrimitivePrefix & swnum & “.” & DropTgtMovementDir & “=” & 0
                                  Case else: Execute wallPrefix & swnum & “.TimerEnabled = 0”
                                  End Select
                                  Else ‘Down
                                  Select Case primCnt(swNum)
                                  Case 0: Execute PrimitivePrefix & swnum & “.” & DropTgtMovementDir & “=” & -DropTgtMovementMax * 1
                                  Case 1: Execute PrimitivePrefix & swnum & “.” & DropTgtMovementDir & “=” & -DropTgtMovementMax * 1
                                  Case 2: Execute PrimitivePrefix & swnum & “.” & DropTgtMovementDir & “=” & -DropTgtMovementMax * 1


                                  So i had to change all line end to 1. If 1 of it 0.75 or 0.25 than it freeze in a point.

                                  But maybe i f*cked something i don’t know becouse scripting is Alien for me.


                                    I can play it after that fix, but the droptargets don’t come up again


                                      can you play it @sheltemke

                                      Arngrim’s fix while updating DOF:

                                      ok i have found the problem,

                                      if i replace .75 by 1 for example at the end of the line i can run the table, i think because i am at a different region settings than you i have the issue

                                      but i tried 0,75 or 0.75 and i can’t compile the code, so i used 1 instead for my tests

                                      Case 0: Execute PrimitivePrefix & swnum & ”.” & DropTgtMovementDir & ”=” & -DropTgtMovementMax * 1

                                      commenting line 770 and using 1 i next lines helped and I can play, but I guess that’s not the correct solution



                                        Ok, thats Right, Tom, changed all the .xx > to 1, and played a few Games without Issues :-)

                                        , that should be ok, i can Play … using 10.6

                                        But what should be the Steps between 0 and 1, smooth Target drop down/up ?


                                          Tom might be right though. If you put this in the top of the table.

                                          Randomize <- after this line

                                          It doesn’t fail here any more. Believe it will be a good idea to make the devs aware. This must be something they should at least look at. If you put in the value of 1 to fix it; you won’t get the effect that the code is trying to do … so.

                                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                                            Tom might be right though. If you put this in the top of the table.

                                            Randomize <- after this line


                                            It doesn’t fail here any more.

                                            I confirm, I’ve restored the original code, added setlocale(1033) and it’s OK.

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