PinDMDv3/Teensy 3.2 Conflict Has anyone seen/solved this?

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  • #135238

      (My apologies if this is not in the right section of the forum)

      I’ve hit a wall in the building of my table that I haven’t been able to overcome. I’ve reached out to a couple very experienced members of the community and I have seen this issue mentioned on a few different forums but haven’t found a solution. Here is what I am up against.

      I have a PinDMDv3. It works exactly as expected with the Pinup Popper Front End and with VPX Rom based tables. Using the Launch script in Pinup Popper the DMD will display from Pinball FX3 tables using Freezy’s DMDext Mirror command. The DMD is shown on COM3 of my cabinet and I have the dmddevice.ini file configured for COM3. I then moved on to installing my addressable LED strips using a Teensy 3.2 board. When I installed that componant of my cabinet the Teensy was set as COM4 and in my Cabinet.xml file I have it set to COM4.

      Here is what is happening. When the Teensy is UNPLUGGED everything with the DMD works fine.

      When the Teensy is PLUGGED in I get a PinDMDv3 Not Found error when I launch the Pinup Popper front end or a VPX Rom based table manually or thru the front end. However, if I launch a Pinball FX3 table (either directly and setting up the DMDext Mirror command manually) or thru Pinup Popper allowing the launch script to run, the DMD displays correctly.

      From my limited experience of troubleshooting this tells me that DMDext is accessing the PinDMD in a different manner than Pinup Popper or VPX does but I just don’t know enough about what is happening behind the scenes to know where to look next.

      I’m also interested to get a confirmation that someone has these two devices peacefully coexisting and operating in their cabinets. The few I have reached out to do not use a DMD. I doubt I’m the first person to want to use these two devices but I want to make sure I’m not hunting for a unicorn here by looking for a solution that does not exist.

      Again, I am ASSUMING that because I can get the DMD to work with the Teensy connected using DMDExt I feel the answer is laying somewhere in a software setting, not a hardware issue.


        I don’t have a pindmd3 but I’m sure this is a simple thing to fix and someone will have the answer. Does it work with freezy 7.1?

        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android


        Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
        So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
        for IOS and Android



          Yes, the Freezy dmdevice.dll is how it works with the Teensy connected.  It seems that Pinup Popper and VPX is using a different one and that is where I have the issue.


            Dmddevice.ini…Makesure only pindmd3 is true and port is set right.

            If it happens outside frontend then focus on troubleshooting outside frontend first.

            You can also copy your dmddevice.ini contents here


              Yes, I made sure my dmddevice.ini only has the Pindmd3 set to true and it is set to COM3.  I also over wrote the dmdevice.dll in the C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball/Vpinmame/Pindmd3 folder as well as the XDMD folder.  I also placed a copy of the dmddevice.ini file in both of those folders hoping it would direct the information to Com3.  When I get home I will post the contents of the dmddevice.ini file here to make sure I don’t have something wrong in that.

              I meant to mention that I’m on Windows 10 64 bit system if that opens up any other thoughts on where to look and what to do.  Thank you for your help.


                Have you tried it with having your Pindmd3 (Freezy) files in the VPinMame folder Instead of the sub folder…

                I have a Pin2DMD and I have all my files that I use in the VPinMame folder


                  Have you tried it with having your Pindmd3 (Freezy) files in the VPinMame folder Instead of the sub folder…

                  I have a Pin2DMD and I have all my files that I use in the VPinMame folder

                  That is how my system was originally set up.  The Freezy dmddevice.dll and the dmddevice.ini have always been in C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\Vpinmame.  I just placed a copy of them in the Pindmd3 and the Xdmd folders as well hoping that would resolve the issue.  There are also some dll files containing 64 in the name.  I can’t remember if it was dmd64device.dll or Pindmd64.dll.  I haven’t done anything with those.  I do have a 64 bit system and I don’t if the system uses those or not.


                    Sometimes you have to ask a question to a large group of people to suddenly become a genius and figure it out.  My spider sense was telling me it was a dll file somewhere, which is why I copied the dmddevice.dll from where I thought DMDext was accessing.  I ran a search for that file to see if there was anyplace else it existed and somehow I never noticed a folder in my vpinmame folder called DMDext.  I also noticed the dll file there was dated differently than what I had copied to all of the other folders.  So I overwrote all of those with this one and…..Lo and Behold…my DMD works with VPX tables loaded directly or from Pinup Popper.

                    This is huge as I’ve been stuck on this for almost a week.  I could still use NailBuster’s insight on this though.  When I start Pinup Popper I no longer get an error that the PinDMD can’t be found, however it is also not displaying the Pinup Popper logo as is used to.  Not a huge deal but I am curious as to where the break in the chain is.  Here is a copy of my dmddevice.ini file.  It is the same in the DMDext, PinDMD3 subfolders in the Vpinmame folder and is also in the vpinmame folder.

                    ; how to downscale SEGA 192×64 pixel games to smaller displays: fit, fill or stretch
                    resize = fit
                    ; flips the image horizontally
                    fliphorizontally = false
                    ; flips the image vertically
                    flipvertically = false
                    ; enable or disable frame-by-frame colorization (inactive in VPX bundle)
                    colorize = true

                    ; a DMD that renders with nice dots on a computer monitor
                    enabled = true
                    ; virtual dmd stays on top of all other windows
                    stayontop = false
                    ; hide the resize grip
                    hidegrip = false
                    ; ignore the aspect ratio of the rendered dots when resizing
                    ignorear = false
                    ; use VPM’s registry values when positioning the virtual dmd
                    useregistry = false
                    ; x-axis of the window position
                    left = 0
                    ; y-axis of the window position
                    top = 0
                    ; width of the dmd in monitor pixels
                    width = 1024
                    ; height of the dmd in monitor pixels
                    height = 256
                    ; scale the dot size (set to 0.8 for same size as pre-1.6.0)
                    dotsize = 1.0

                    ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD1
                    enabled = false

                    ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD2
                    enabled = false

                    ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a pinDMD3
                    enabled = true
                    ; COM port, e.g. COM3
                    port = COM3

                    ; if false, doesn’t bother looking for a PIN2DMD
                    enabled = false
                    ; how long to wait in milliseconds after sending a palette
                    delay = 25

                    ; if enabled, stream to your browser in your LAN
                    enabled = false
                    port = 9090

                    ; if enabled, stream DMD to
                    enabled = false
                    endpoint =

                    ; if enabled, writes frames to an .avi file
                    enabled = false
                    ; path to folder or .avi file. if folder, gamename.avi is used.
                    path =

                    ; if enabled, send frames to PinUP.
                    enabled = true


                    So anyway, thanks to everyone that took the time to reply and if you see anyone else with this issue perhaps this will help them.


                      If using pindmd3 then Set to false

                      .; a DMD that renders with nice dots on a computer monitor
                      enabled = true

                      What version of pinup did it work with and what version are you on now?


                        If using pindmd3 then Set to false

                        .; a DMD that renders with nice dots on a computer monitor
                        enabled = true

                        What version of pinup did it work with and what version are you on now?

                        Good catch.  It is showing up behind other things so I wasn’t seeing it, but I should disable it.  It is the same Pinup that I have always had.  Before the Teensy install it worked, then I had this issue where I was getting the error.  By taking the dmddevice.dll file from the DMDext folder and placing it in those other folders I’m getting a working DMD for tables, but just not getting that Pinup Popper display when I load the front end, but again, no error saying it cant find it.  Just doesn’t seem to want to display it.

                        Do you think if I turn the virtual DMD to false it will get the logo onto the PinDMD v3?


                          I have been having similar problems with the Pindmd V3 and Teensy for a couple months. Once my LED’s and Teensy were installed I lost all the UltraDMD tables. I tried to fix it and other stuff got messed up, so I reinstalled everything including windows, this time, no dmd table would work but the Ultradmd tables worked just fine, again I tried to fix it and screwed it all up again, so another reinstall of everything, this time everything worked, except pinup player, it loads the screens but no pop up videos will work, very very frustrating, everytime you get close to a fully working cabinet, some conflict or another pops up

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