Playboy (Bally 1978) MOD

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  • #216513

      This is a complete VPX rebuild of the famous / infamous Playboy (Bally 1978) table.

      Originally built by ICPJuggla & gtxjoe several years ago.

      Completely rebuilt by Goldchicco and 32assassin with the latest VPX componentsscript with a complete facelift, enhancements and cool extras by HiRez00.

      – Rebuilt to the latest VPX standards

      – Graphics, Playfield, Apron redo and updates with proper placement and font / size matching

      – Color Matched to original / authentic colors

      – Authentic lights, rollovers, and targets placement and positioning

      – Complete Physics Update to match actual 1978 table gameplay

      – Custom Options for changing Instructions, Ball Cards, and Flippers

      – New Desktop backdrop, LED scoring and lighting

      – Flipper and Ball Shadows Option that can be turned ON or OFF in script

      – Alternate Flippers Option (Authentic or Custom)

      – Playfield holes 3D prims for depth

      – Adjustable LUT settings via MAGNASAVE buttons during gameplay

      – 3 Environment Options (Normal, Desaturated, and Shiny Blur)

      – Gameplay Music Option with (86) different era music tracks

      – All music and sound has been equalized and balanced to the same levels

      – Hundreds of other additional corrections and updates


      NOTE: This table used the ”” 7-digit rom.


      *** New Backglass and additional support files can be found as a separate download here by HiRez00.

      The Authors of this table and support files are not responsible if you get in trouble with your ”significant other” or go blind from playing this table.


      – – – – – – – –

      – Put the .vpx file and .directb2s files Tables folder. Visual Pinball/Tables/

      – Download music here:

      – Unzip the file ”” and put the whole folder ”playboy78” in your Music folder. Visual Pinball/Music/plaboy78.

      1.) Music Options are at the top of the table script. As the default, the Music Option is TURNED OFF by default. You can turn it ON and / or set to Random or Playlist Order, and whether it automatically starts the music on boot up at the top of the script.

      Use the RIGHT MAGNASAVE to skip to the next audio track while music is player. Use the LEFT MAGNASAVE to stop the music at any time. To restart the music, press the RIGHT MAGNASAVE again.

      If the table ROM sounds are too loud, you can press the F12 button and you can lower the ROM sound level for this particular ROM. -5 and -6 is suggested as a ROM volume. Your setting will be saved when you exit the table, so you will only have to do this once.

      2.) There are 16 LUTS build into the table to adjust the brightness and contrast levels. When you boot the table for the first time, the table might appear a lot brighter than it is intended. HOLD DOWN the LEFT MAGNASAVE and then press the RIGHT MAGNASAVE to cycle through the different LUTs. Your choice will automatically be saved when you quit the table.

      Pressing the LEFT MAGNASAVE will STOP the music if you have it playing – to turn the music back ON, simply press the RIGHT MAGNSAVE again.

      3.) We tried to accommodate for everyones ”taste” by including 3 different ”ENVIRONMENTS” (Normal, Desaturated, and Shiny Blur) – Based on your monitor, choose the environment you prefer by selecting the ”Backglass” view and change the environment under the Lighting settings.


      Credits and Thanks:

      – Table Rebuild: Goldchicco & 32assassin

      – Original Table: ICPJuggla & gtxjoe (modded with permission)

      – All Graphics Updates: HiRez00

      – LUT Selector & LUT images: JP Salas & Vogliadicane

      – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

      This project took considerable time and I wanted to share it with everyone … so ”thanks” or comments in the support topic would be greatly appreciated.

      PLEASE NOTE: These tables, image, videos, tables and backglass files for fun and for the dedicated VPX pinball users on this and other forum. They WERE NOT created for you to download as SELL, MAKE MONEY OR PROFIT ON!

      DO NOT include any of these files with other downloads or projects without asking / getting permission first.

      All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.


      Total of 46 users thanked author for this post. Here are last 20 listed.

        Thank you so much my friend! :)

        1 user thanked author for this post.

          WOW – thanks for updating a classic !!!

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          Bald Eagle

            Table looks and plays great. Thanks!

            1 user thanked author for this post.

              Top release. Thanks a lot! :good:

              1 user thanked author for this post.

                Thanks for the great table guys and the good music. I have one question: Is the a muted rom? I could not get any sound out of that one, so I replaced it with the rom. That one gives sound, but it looks like it is a 6-digit-rom. I have my table options set like this:

                ‘+ TABLE OPTIONS +
                MusicOption1 = 1 ‘1 = Gameplay Music ON 0 = Gameplay Music OFF
                MusicOption2 = 1 ‘1 = Random Gameplay Music ON 0 = Random Gameplay Music OFF

                ‘MusicOption1 MUST BE SET TO 1 in order to also use the MusicOption2 Random feature
                PlayMusicOnStartup = 0 ‘1 = Start Music on Table Startup 0 = Start Music Manually
                BallApronCard = 3 ‘Set to Either 3 or 5 depending on which ROM balls setting you are using
                InstructionCard = 1 ‘Set to 1 for Card Rules E Set to 2 for Card Rules F Set to 3 for Card Rules G
                AddBallShadow = 1 ‘1 = Ball Shadows ON 0 = Ball Shawdows OFF – Turn OFF if using Ambient Occlusion
                AddFlipperShadows = 1 ‘1 = Flipper Shadows ON 0 = Flipper Shawdows OFF – Turn OFF if using Ambient Occlusion



                  No playboyb is not a muted rom, but … I do remember users in the past have had problems with the rom sounds not coming through on previous versions of this table – not this exact new version – but previous. It had something to do with the bally sounds missing or something like that in pinmame or the bally vbs, but I don’t remember exactly.

                  It is not the actual table causing the problem. You might need playboy AND playboyb in your roms folder.

                  Try using THIS exact download  of playboyb:

                  If THAT doesn’t fix it – download this:

                  Put the sound samples in the ‘Samples’ subfolder of VPinMAME — LEAVE ZIPPED.

                  Change the table rom back to playboyb and try it – then report back.

                  2 users thanked author for this post.

                    Cant wait to load it up and play.  Thank you for your careful recreation.

                    1 user thanked author for this post.

                      Sound Problem ? Check your ROM Options … enable: Use Sound and Use Samples …

                      1 user thanked author for this post.


                        I have sound now, here’s what I did:

                        The first playboyb rom I used was downloaded from That one gave no sound on my cab. Because of that I searched for the same rom here on I noticed that the files, although the same names, had different sizes??  50kb on IPBP and only 5kb here at Vpinball. Thinking I probably found the issue I replaced the IPDB one for the 5k version. I Still had no sound. After replacing the playboyb rom for the playboy rom (dowloaded from VPForems) I had sound but noticed it was a 6 digit version. That’s when I stopped trying and placed my question here. Today I started up my machine again and becuase I have both roms in the folder now I changed the Gamename  once more to playboyb  and I had sound!!

                        Found out that after deleting the playboy rom again (including cfg and nv files) sound was gone again! Just replaced in the romfolder and the sound was there again!



                          Don’t use IPDB ROMS

                          Download ROMS from VPForums and VPUniverse

                          1 user thanked author for this post.

                            Thank You for this fine release, it is very much appreciated. :good:

                            1 user thanked author for this post.


                              Perhaps you unknowingly found the solution to the problem … perhaps you need BOTH the playboy and playboyb roms in your rom folder to get sound.

                              I saw that once before with another table, can’t remember which – that you needed to different roms or at least the original rom and then a later (updated) rom – that VpinMame pulled the sound resources from the original rom in order to use the updated rom.

                              Regardless – glad you got it working properly.

                              1 user thanked author for this post.

                                Thanks, man this is great!!! Justa  question – how can I make the music start when I press Start on the table? Is that possible?

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