Please Help-PUP only runs from fresh boot

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  • #142867

      Good early morning guys,

      I’m still trying to get my TRON PUP Pack working.  I am sticking with it but still can not get a smooth operating PUP table.  For background I have a three monitor cab.  GTX 1060 video card with 500 gig SSD hard drive in new Skytech gaming computer.  I just recently got into this hobby (2 months ago) but am consumed with it.  I have built a beautiful STAR WARS themed cab and have it all working except toys not wired in yet.

      TRON Legacy runs great before PUP integration.  PBX and all my other installed tables working great.  Freezy working smoothly with colored DMD and some colored ROM patches installed and working great(AC DC Luci, Star Trek, etc.).

      Here’s where I am with PUP.  It will work when I run TRON for first time after cold boot up.  If I close game, exit VPX and then try to launch VPX and TRON again then I get video freeze up after the initial back glass loads and runs for ten seconds.  It seems to be when it tries to load the movie trailer.  After a freeze up I can open TASK Manager and see that PinUpDisplay.exe is still running.  I can have Task Manager shut it down but TRON PUP still doesn’t function until I do another computer restart.

      In the WIKI tutorial it mentions “pinupmenu.exe needs to be run as admin (and nothing else in PinupSystem folder)”.  However, I do not have this file in my PinUpSystem folder.  I have downloaded and unzipped fresh install folders and still don’t see that file.  Has it been replaced by PinUpDisplay.exe and the WIKI not updated?  Or, am I looking in the wrong place?  For the time being I am running PinUpDisplay in administrator mode.

      PUP log shows no errors and reads just like example in WIKI.

      I have updated to VPX 10.6, updated to FREEZY 1.71, Updated to NailBuster’s updated B2S server, noted “True” in the DMDdevice config file regarding allow PUP.

      If I run the PinUPPlayertest.exe the VLC test shows nothing, the PUP test says I need “a higher elevation to run”.  I tried this as a one time “run as administrator” and get the same results.

      It seems PUP is not running with enough authority to perform its duties.  I think it may have to do with the pinupmenu.exe mentioned in the WIKI but I can’t find that file.  I really am just guessing.  I’m just a newbie struggling.  But I have read WIKI, watched the two hours worth of videos and tried very hard.

      Please help me get this going.  I want to see those neon trimmed motorcycles!  I’m up for a remote log in if that would help.  A phone call, video chat, anything short of getting a UHaul and moving the cab across the country to tech support!


      Screenshot (6)

      Screenshot (7)

      Screenshot (8)


        I forgot to mention I’m using a 4K Playfield at 60hz. I set the performance preferences as the WIKI showed. I’m getting some ball stutter when the video files sequence during TRON demanding times like Multiball



          PinUPMenu.EXE is part of Popper, you are running PinUP Player with PBX which is why it is not there.  As far as why Tron won’t work you will have to wait for someone else to help.  I go back and forth from it working to it not working because I am constantly messing with it and screwing it up by mistake LOL.  But with PinUP player you should not have to run anything from the PinUP System folder it should just run on it’s own when you start a table


            If you don’t have PinupMenu in the PinupSystem folder, then you’re (likely) not up to date, or your anti-virus deleted part of the install.

            Earlier versions of PinupPlayer used an external install of VLC… which canNOT be anything more than version 2.2.8, or it doesn’t like to work. Symptoms are very much like you describe, although it’s weird it works on first run for you, my experience with THAT error is that it does the same thing on first run as well. The current version has a version of VLC directly built into the program.

            I’ve had issues with antivirus like Windows Defender deleting key parts of these sorts of installs, too. I’ve had to “whitelist” both the PinupSystem and VisualPinball folders to (try to) keep Defender from deleting files I’m attempting to install in those areas on my desktop, and the pincab computer currently has no antivirus at all on it, I just don’t connect it to the internet.

            You should also check in Properties of PinupPlayer, make sure Windows hasn’t “blocked” it because it came from another computer. Many of us use 7zip to unpack things now, as using Windows to do the unpacking causes it to block pretty much anything that might contain something malicious.

            Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
            Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
            Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.

            Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
            Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
            Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.


              Thanks for the ideas. I have the most current version of PUP. It has VLC in its install folder. I thought maybe having VLC there and then also having it in the Windows program folder could be causing a conflict so I left the one in the PUP folder and deleted the VLC in the windows program directory. I then got some weird PBX behavior so I had to put it back.

              Last night I played two full games of TRON with everything working great. This morning when I powered up VPX was displaying the backglass in the DMD monitor. I had to edit the screen res file to straighten things out.

              Somehow when I run the PUP system it’s having a difficult time closing out and returning my registry/settings/monitors or some combination of these things to the original state they were in before PUP launch.

              I have a feeling it’s something very simple that TerryRed or Nailbuster would take one look at and say “Dude we told you to check this box”.   I am just stumped and I can’t let go until this is solved.


                You have the LAV Filters installed for pinballx?

                This may help with your screen res file changing

                The VLC  you installed for windows as also the version 2.2.8?

                Pinballx  autoconfig - Copy - CopyPinballx setup


                  I’ll check LAV filters.  I do have  VLC 2.2.8 32 bit. I’m out of town until Monday.



                    Outhere I checked your suggestions and my PinballX was configured as you suggested, thanks for trying to help.

                    I feel like with more Pup Packs coming out the ship is sailing and I’m stuck on the dock!  I’m reaching out with a little more info to see if anyone has experienced and conquered my situation.

                    All components of my cab are running as advertised except a small but critical issue with my Pup Player installation. I have a new skytech gaming computer with 500 gig SSD drive, GTX 1060 card.  Three monitor setup with 4K playfield.

                    The issue I am having occurs outside of frontend and within frontend, no differences that are material.

                    I can launch any random VPX game and play until exhausted. I can then launch TRON with its Pup Pack. I can play TRON until exhausted, everything good so far. My wife can then suggest a game and I can either close VPX or exit to frontend whichever is the case. Then things go haywire. Backglass and DMD are black. If I atl/tab I can see blackscreens on backglass and DMD I also see the proper backglass and DMD displays but they are labeled “form 1” and have a windows type icon I don’t recognize beside “form 1”. If I close the two black screens the backglass and DMD remain out of sight and labeled “form 1” I can open task manager and I see at least one instance of Pup Player still open  sometimes there are multiple instances of Pup Player open but I think this is caused by me trying to play TRON more than once when experimenting.

                    The only sure way to get everything rolling again is a computer restart.  It seems that once my table launches Pup Player I can not get Pup Player to close and a corresponding screen prioritizing without a reboot.

                    I really like the Pup Packs and know that the developers are going to keep pushing forward in this direction. If anyone has tackled this issue please chime in. I have read of this in a few threads but the posters have resolved it without posting solutions in the threads I can find. I have tried the admin on, admin off, full screen, windowed etc common experiments.  I have watched the two main Pup installation videos many many times and I read and performed the wiki procedure twice. I’ve wised up and started creating restore points and external hard drive backups so I can rewind in only about 30 minutes.

                    I have 10.6 beta, Freezy 1.71, newest MAME as of last week (I think a new one came out this week) Windows 10, newest NVIDIA driver as of last week.  I’ve only been doing this a month but have custom built a beautiful STAR WARS themed cabinet using the DMD colorization and gotten the DOF working except I don’t have any addressable LEDs yet  Needless to say I’m pretty OCD and of course this snag I’m facing has me skipping sleep!

                    Any insight appreciated.  It’s a great hobby and my wife tells the visitors it keeps me entertained and around the house!  Thanks for all you guys do to make this a great pastime.



                      My wife can then suggest.. <– No more suggestions from the wife – Problem solved – LOL

                      Always make sure you close VP completely between games
                      With puppacks – with the exception of a couple of games do not use the regular back glass, tron you should not have a back glass in the tables folder
                      For test purposes always just run from VPX don’t bother with the Front end
                      Running admin Is not the fix all solution – I only use it on 2 or 3 things maybe…

                      Anti-Virus software – Make sure you have Exclusions so I will not interfere with your pinball fun

                      I’m assuming this is what You refer to when you said – installed and watched the videos
                      Trouble Shooting Pup-Packs


                        Give this a shot, it’s a replacement version of B2S Server that works better with PinUp Player.


                        “it is HIGHLY recommended you update and use this ‘custom’ version of B2S server which has a few changes to work better with PinUp System. (overwrite the files in your table folder and run the b2s register.exe as admin again). “

                        Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
                        Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
                        Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.

                        Creator of the first PinupPlayer PostDMD mods for VPX - PostDMD for Masters of the Universe VPX and Jaws VPX.
                        Head Proprietor of Pisces Pinball, a VPX table developer.
                        Lead Technician of MC Chase Amusements, a private arcade in our home basement.

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