PUPDMDControl_Register.bat won’t register

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  • #211544
    Michael Bacon

      Hi! I followed Nailbuster’s guide in the wiki, but when I run PUPDMDControl_Register.bat, I get the following error:

      PUPDMDControl.exe – System Error
      The code execution cannot proceed because dmddevice.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.

      What should I do?


        rewatch the install video again… you’re not copying files into the correct locations.

        Michael Bacon

          I just watched the video again (4th time) and I can’t see what I did wrong. Here’s my VpinMAME folder.



            you shouldn’t run anything as-admin.  so take that off of dmd control exe.

            where is the batch file to register?  same location as the pupdmd control.exe?



            Michael Bacon

              I removed the run as admin checkmark.

              And yes, the bat file is in the same folder. I rearranged the icons to make this new screenshot more readable (and actually even include all of the relevant info, I think.)



              Michael Bacon

                Running the bat file again after removing admin privilege generated errors displayed in the CMD prompt.

                First: “System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied.”

                Then, in a different CMD prompt window:
                “There are no entries in the list” appears alongside a normal windows error message that says

                “PUPDMDControl.exe – Application Error
                The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.”


                  very strange…. all i can think of is perhaps you have some ‘blocked’ files.  check all the exes/dlls and see if windows has them blocked?

                  you can try and edit the batch to just have the line (run batch as admin once)

                  "PUPDMDControl.exe" /regserver


                  and see if it gives you any more info


                  Michael Bacon

                    I did as you suggested above. I found what seems like at least part of the problem. It’s trying to run in /windows32/ for some reason.

                    EDIT: Forgot to say I checked every .dll and .exe in the directory. They’re all unblocked.

                    Michael Bacon


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