Request for Some Additional Tables in Config Tool

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  • #203027

      I posted this request on VP Universe a couple weeks ago but no response. Was wondering if the admin could add placeholders in DOF Config Tool for the following VPX tables. I’d be happy to submit initial configurations for them once the placeholders have been created. Most of these are the excellent EM tables created by LOSERMAN76. Thanks.

      GameName            Table

      BumperPool_1969     Bumper Pool (Gottlieb 1969)
      chance              Chance (Playmatic 1978)
      DoodleBug_1971      Doodle Bug (Williams 1971)
      EggHead_1961        Egg Head (Gottlieb 1961)
      EliteGuard_1968     Elite Guard (Gottlieb 1968)
      FlipperFair_1961    Flipper Fair (Gottlieb 1961)
      FunFair_1968        Fun Fair (Gottlieb 1968)
      Galaxie_1971        Galaxie (Gottlieb 1971)
      GrandeDomino_1968   Grande Domino (Gottlieb 1968)
      GrandSlam_1972      Grand Slam (Gottlieb 1972)
      Harmony_1967        Harmony (Gottlieb 1967)
      heartsgain          Hearts Gain (Inder 1971)
      HighSeas_1976       High Seas (Gottlieb 1976)
      HiLo_1969           Hi-Lo (Gottlieb 1969)
      HomeRun_1971        Home Run (Gottlieb 1971)
      JungleKing_1973     Jungle King (Gottlieb 1973)
      JungleLife_1972     Jungle Life (Gottlieb 1972)
      Kickoff_1967        Kickoff (Williams 1967)
      LightningBall_1959  Lightning Ball (Gottlieb 1959)
      LittleJoe_1971      Little Joe (Bally 1972)
      MiniPool_1969       Mini Pool (Gottlieb 1969)
      Playball_71VPX      Playball (Gottlieb 1971)
      Poseidon_1978       Poseidon (Gottlieb 1978)
      Psychedelic_1970    Psychedelic (Gottlieb 1970)
      RackABall_1962      Rack-A-Ball (Gottlieb 1962)
      Rancho_1965         Rancho (Gottlieb 1965)
      ReydeDiamantes_1967 Rey de Diamantes (Petaco 1967)
      RoyalPair_1974      Royal Pair (Gottlieb 1974)
      RoyalPair_1974      Royal Pair 2 (Gottlieb 1974)
      SatinDoll_1975      Satin Doll (Williams 1975)
      ShipMates_1964      Ship Mates (Gottlieb 1964)
      Skipper_1969        Skipper (Gottlieb 1969)
      Soccer1964          Soccer (Williams 1964)
      Solitaire_1967      Solitaire (Gottlieb 1967)
      SpaceOrbit_1972     Space Orbit (Gottlieb 1972)
      SpotPool_1976       Spot Pool (Gottlieb 1976)
      SurfSide_1967       Surf Side (Gottlieb 1967)
      TamTam_1975         Tam-Tam (Playmatic 1975)
      TargetPool_1969     Target Pool (Gottlieb 1969)
      TeamOne_77VPX       Team One
      Tiger_1975          Tiger (Gottlieb 1975)
      toledo              Toledo (Williams 1975)
      TopHand_1973        Top Hand (Gottlieb 1973)
      Touchdown_1967      Touchdown (Williams 1967)
      WorldSeries_1972    World Series (Gottlieb 1972)

      2 users thanked author for this post.

        Appreciate you coming forward willing to take upon yourself some work on behalf of the community. :good:


          Hey @kook, nice list of games. I can add those for you but will need a day or two to get it done. If you don’t hear back by Sunday PM me, please.


          edit: I made it through the Ls so you can get started. I’ll do the rest this weekend.

          2 users thanked author for this post.

            @kook, all added. Thanks for putting the work into getting these set up.


              Great! Thanks Kook and Bord.


                Hey @kook, nice list of games. I can add those for you but will need a day or two to get it done. If you don’t hear back by Sunday PM me, please.

                edit: I made it through the Ls so you can get started. I’ll do the rest this weekend.

                Thanks for adding them! I’ve started submitting initial configurations. Ran into one small issue. With the table “Doodle Bug”, the config tool has an extraneous space in the ROM name. The space must be removed in order for DOF to work on that table. Specifically, “DoodleBug_1971 ” should be “DoodleBug_1971”.


                  Configurations for these tables are online now, in the DOF Config Tool. Big thank you to @bord for making placeholders and accepting the configurations!

                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                    Thanks for doing all the work on these. Excited to play them with full dof.


                      Any chance you could add the latest round of @Loserman76 releases
                      Thank you

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