RetroFlair 2 (wip)

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      I’ll leave this here for now…

      1 user thanked author for this post.

        I’m so excited for this :)


          New “real” inserts for Retroflair 2.

          Progress on the new Tron mode is coming along nicely…. but no previews for that yet… but soon enough. (it looks amazing)

          Since I’m making so many changes compared to the original table (the basic layout will remain but change up), I needed to completely change up the inserts as their decals aren’t correct anymore for what I will be doing.

          So I decided to finally take this opportunity to learn how to create “real” light inserts to replace to standard flat light images that 95% of the tables on FP and VP use.

          So I did a mix between what Steve Paradis (polygame ) did many years ago on FP and what flupper / bord and others have recently done on VP.

          I learned how to create the mesh for the “hole” of the insert (using FP Model Editor is required to make it work) and then used a separate light object within that insert. Using some really nicely rendered insert images, I created normal / bump maps for them which works really nicely with FP-BAM’s real dynamic lighting (it reflects and shines off the insert’s bumpy surfaces in realtime)

          It turned out great. I’ve only got the rectangle inserts done so far… but you can see the difference compared to the flat pointer inserts and the original table image.

          Now I just need to create some nice decals to go on top which will really show off the 3d depth of the inserts.

          New version so far…

          RF2 New Inserts


          Original version

          RF2 Old Inserts

          1 user thanked author for this post.

            Coming along nicely…


            RF2 inserts

            1 user thanked author for this post.

              You definitely have my interest piqued =)

              - Wonky builder of the steampunk Nikola Tesla cabinet & Starfighter Cabinet

              - Wonky builder of the steampunk Nikola Tesla cabinet & Starfighter Cabinet


                You definitely have my interest piqued =)

                Wait until you see the new Tron mode….




                  RetroFlair 2 – Epic Gamez N Tunes (Future Pinball – BAM)

                  “Worldwide Premiere Demo Video – COMING SOON!”

                  After 4 months, and a crap load of hard work, I finally have RF2 at a point where I feel it is far enough along to show it off!

                  The Good:

                  • this table is like nothing you guys have seen before
                  • many “firsts” being shown using many of BAM’s very new features
                  • it’s literally like multiple tables in one
                  • makes RF 1 look simple by comparison
                  • the new Tron Epic Gamez mode is HUGE!
                  • easily the coolest and most EPIC Tron pinball game ever made
                  • the Tron ending is “BIG”
                  • 6 Gamez Modes…. so far…
                  • uses the basic layout and premise of RF1, but everything else is all new
                  • lots more gameplay and objectives to complete
                  • pinball “purists” who don’t like creativity and imagination in digital pinball will despise this table… much to my great enjoyment

                  The Bad:

                  • the table is still far from complete
                  • I hope to add more Epic Gamez modes, which means it will take longer to finish
                  • some of the original game modes still need to be updated
                  • PinEvent support hasn’t been started yet (the last thing to do).


                  So I’ll be busy for a quite while putting this video together.

                  If you thought Star Wars Epic Space Battles was cool…


                  1 user thanked author for this post.

                    RetroFlair 2 – EPIC Gamez N Tunes

                    Preview Video featuring Table features and the entire Tron EPIC Gamez mode.

                    Finally…the first preview of my EPIC sequel to ROM’s classic FP table. Be prepared to have your jaw drop as you have never seen virtual pinball like this! This features the most EPIC Tron pinball game ever made… with a surprise “BIG” ending!

                    Get yourself some popcorn, get comfy…. and watch the entire video from start to finish.

                    I don’t want to say too much and spoil the MANY cool moments you will see. I show the entire Tron mode playthrough non-stop… and its one EPIC moment after another.

                    This was a real work of passion to try things I’ve always wanted to do, and also show what can be done in digital pinball with a little imagination and time. This table is using many of BAM’s latest features, as well as using the new “TerryRed texture animation” method I came up with that is used throughout the table. Combined with FP-BAM’s amazing dynamic lighting, this makes for stunning visuals.

                    I’ve always wanted to do my own table and also my own version of a Tron pinball game and here it is.. You won’t be disappointed.

                    Thanks go out to those who contributed resources:

                    SLAMT1LT – (Tron sounds and music and inspiration from his excellent Tron tables)
                    Wild – (Tron disc conversion)
                    Schreibi34 – (for his gorgeous insert jewel images)
                    Rom – (for the original RetroFlair table, ghost / lightcycle / lightjet models)
                    Gimli, GeorgeH, Wild, Steve Paradis, shiva and others at Pinball Nirvanna for support
                    ravarcade – for the amazing BAM that continues to evolve and allows imagination to drive pinball creation and unique experiences

                    Keep an eye out… there are more EPIC Gamez to come!


                    @G5K @xenonph

                    I think you guys in particular will love what you see… as will any Tron fan.

                    2 users thanked author for this post.

                      That is wicked cool Terry!

                      Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.

                      Hi my name is Barry and I'm a virtual pinball addict.


                        WOW super great work Mr TerryREd you and SlLAMTLT let people see what FUTURE PINBALL can do WOW

                        I’m so excited for this … as many people will be… THis has to put Future Pinball in the Spotlight.. WOW

                        :yahoo: :yahoo:


                          RetroFlair 2 – “Behind the Scenes”. A visual showcase of how all the magic happens! (Future Pinball)

                          Wow! Thanks for all the praise I’ve been seeing for my first preview video for RetroFlair 2. As a result, I decided to do a unique video that “shows” you how it all works behind the scenes in “real-time”. I demonstrate how I use BAM’s many features to create and do all the cool things you see (without being too technical), and how I brought Tron to life in a pinball game like you’ve never seen before.

                          Note: the stutters seen in the video from about 24:00​ to 40:00​’ish are a result of the Youtube video conversion. :(

                          Normal gameplay is silky smooth with no stutters.

                          Everything is bookmarked for quick reference:

                          Introduction – 0:00​
                          Inspiration and motives – 2:04​
                          Lighting – 3:01​
                          Texture Animations – 6:01​
                          Inserts – 7:34​
                          Table Misc Features – 9:54​
                          BAM Custom Models, Animated Characters – 13:11​
                          BAM Mini Playfields – 15:39​
                          Magna-Portal 20:23​
                          TRON Epic Gamez mode – 24:26​
                          Disc Wars – 33:16​
                          Animated Character Opponent Targets – 36:54​
                          LightCycle Battle – 38:39​
                          LightJet Battle – 46:00​
                          Tron Classic – 50:58​
                          Closing Thoughts – 57:26


                          • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by TerryRed.

                            New Re-Uploaded video. Old video has stutters from Youtube conversion, so I removed it. This new video plays fine throughout.

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