Right flipper button not working in VPX

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  • #89668
    Clark Kent

      I wonder if anybody encountered this strange behavior: On a friend’s cabinet after a Windows system update (W10) the right flipper button key is not recognized within VPX anymore. The right shift key is working perfectly in Windows or any other apps but not in VPX.

      I tried to add the right key in the registry file for VPX but it still does not work. I removed the keyboard drivers and installed them again – no improvement. I’m really out of options – does anybody know why this happens?


        First of all. It is really dumb to have a dedicated cabinet machine connected to the internet allowing it to update automatically in the first place. Especially if it is win10.

        I would try to see if there is any input from the key as far as possible towards the key itself. You could try to run DIView. I can’t see how it can work if DIView doesn’t see the key being pressed. Probably a hardware problem then in the controller or connection.



          Have you done a cold boot?

          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android


          Messing with the VPinball app and push notifications.
          So if you haven't downloaded app yet what are you waiting for!?
          for IOS and Android


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